The New Grass Routes — YouTube Airport Videos

“To increase awareness and support for our airport,” Linda and Mike Ely produced a video that puts the focus on that airport — Liberty Municipal Airport (T78) in Liberty, Texas (population 9000). They say they thought it would be a good way to promote general aviation and their community airport and, they say, city officials are just now starting to pay attention. The Elys posted their 4:19 video, Tango Seventy-Eight, on YouTube. Airport and GA self-promotion … a template for others?

"To increase awareness and support for our airport," Linda and Mike Ely produced a video that puts the focus on that airport -- Liberty Municipal Airport (T78) in Liberty, Texas (population 9000). They say they thought it would be a good way to promote general aviation and their community airport and, they say, city officials are just now starting to pay attention. The Elys posted their 4:19 video, Tango Seventy-Eight, on YouTube. Airport and GA self-promotion ... a template for others?