Thielert Diesels Achieve EASA Certifications”target=”_blank”>Thielert‘s diesel engines recently were FAAcertified for installation on Cessna 172s, and now the Germany-basedcompany has received the OK from EASA, the European Aviation SafetyAgency, for several more models. The Centurion 2.0 is now certifiedby EASA for the Piper PA28. “A validation in the USA is expectedsoon, because the Centurion 1.7 and its installation in the PA28 arealready certified,” according to Thielert’s Web site. The Centurion4.0 was recently certified by the EASA for the Cirrus SR22, andapproval for the Cessna 206 is expected soon, Thielert says. “Thesetwo certifications will open the market for deliveries of the 4.0engine,” according to the company.

Thielert's diesel engines recently were FAAcertified for installation on Cessna 172s, and now the Germany-basedcompany has received the OK from EASA, the European Aviation SafetyAgency, for several more models. The Centurion 2.0 is now certifiedby EASA for the Piper PA28. "A validation in the USA is expectedsoon, because the Centurion 1.7 and its installation in the PA28 arealready certified," according to Thielert's Web site. The Centurion4.0 was recently certified by the EASA for the Cirrus SR22, andapproval for the Cessna 206 is expected soon, Thielert says. "Thesetwo certifications will open the market for deliveries of the 4.0engine," according to the company. Thielert engines currentlyare used on Diamond aircraft, and are especially popular in Europe,where the price differential between avgas and diesel (i.e., jet-A)is substantial. Thielert has been expanding its service network inthe U.S. in anticipation of more sales in the region. In a statement sent to AVweb on Wednesday, CirrusDesign said: "Cirrus is always interested in supporting thedevelopment of new technology and expansion into growing marketsegments. There have been several new engine options that have beenevaluated over the past few years. We understand that Thielert hasbeen developing a SR22-G2 STC to advance its knowledge of how best toadapt their product to this type of application. We will continue toevaluate their progress with interest, but also with a keen awarenessof the lengthy road to mature new technology to the level ofrefinement our customers have come to expect."