Top iPad Developers’ Roundtable At OSH

Wednesday, July 31, at AirVenture Oshkosh, a free forum hosted by MyGoFlight will include executives from ForeFlight, Hilton Software, Bendix King, Jeppesen, Garmin and MyGoFlight in a roundtable discussion moderated by Aviation Consumer editor Larry Anglisano. During the main forum, Anglisano will pose the same question to each panelist, who will be allowed time to answer or defer. Attendees will later have an opportunity to pose their own questions to the panelists.

Wednesday, July 31, at AirVenture Oshkosh, a free forum hosted by MyGoFlight will include executives from ForeFlight, Hilton Software, Bendix King, Jeppesen, Garmin and MyGoFlight in a roundtable discussion moderated by Aviation Consumer editor Larry Anglisano. During the main forum, Anglisano will pose the same question to each panelist, who will be allowed time to answer or defer. Attendees will later have an opportunity to pose their own questions to the panelists. The forum hopes to provide attendees with insight into some of today's most popular iPad apps for pilots while providing important feedback and public interaction for developers.

The moderated session is scheduled to run for almost one hour at Pavilion 06, beginning at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, July 31. It is expected to cover topics like app functions and capabilities today and in the future; app design, development and stability; app proficiency and training; as well as tablet technology and cockpit readiness. The moderated session will be followed by a 15-minute period during which audience members will be asked to deliver their own questions to panelists. Some format changes may occur prior to the event. Attendance is free.