Turboprop Expo Next Week
Jets seem to get all the attention but turboprops are the backbone of many business aviation sectors and the focus is on them next week at the annual Turboprop Expo. The 2008 edition launches in Scottsdale, Ariz., on Oct. 28 and continues for three days of turboprop-specific seminars and workshops. Keynote speaker Dr. David Strahle will present a session on “Understanding Nexrad Imagery” and the seminars have been expanded to include key topics on airframe operations, maintenance, upgrades and mods. Of course, all work and no play would be a terrific waste in a place like Scottsdale.

Jets seem to get all the attention but turboprops are the backbone of many business aviation sectors and the focus is on them next week at the annual Turboprop Expo. The 2008 edition launches in Scottsdale, Ariz., on Oct. 28 and continues for three days of turboprop-specific seminars and workshops. Keynote speaker Dr. David Strahle will present a session on "Understanding Nexrad Imagery" and the seminars have been expanded to include key topics on airframe operations, maintenance, upgrades and mods. Of course, all work and no play would be a terrific waste in a place like Scottsdale.
A full program of social and networking opportunities has been organized for attendees. Golf, a Southwest barbecue dinner and Gary Sprague, the Singing Cowboy, and his horse Dusty will be entertaining.