United Breaks Guitars (And Misplaces Luggage)

Dave Carroll, YouTube’s favorite musical advocate for the proper treatment of luggage (famous for his YouTube video “United Breaks Guitars”) may have a new gripe — again, with United. Last week, Carroll arrived at Denver International from Regina, Saskatchewan on a United Express flight operated by Skywest Airlines. He was told his luggage was delayed in its arrival. He was also told he would need to be on hand when it arrived. It turned up three days later. Thanks to Carroll’s celebrity — the YouTube buzz that eventually hit the 24-hour news networks — Carroll now regularly has speaking engagements in which he discusses the importance of customer relations … which explains why he was in Denver. It also means we know what happened to his bags. And that trip may be a song in itself.

Carroll's first two videos

Dave Carroll, YouTube's favorite musical advocate for the proper treatment of luggage (famous for his YouTube video "United Breaks Guitars") may have a new gripe -- again, with United. Last week, Carroll arrived at Denver International from Regina, Saskatchewan on a United Express flight operated by Skywest Airlines. He was told his luggage was delayed in its arrival. He was also told he would need to be on hand when it arrived. It turned up three days later. Thanks to Carroll's celebrity -- the YouTube buzz that eventually hit the 24-hour news networks -- Carroll now regularly has speaking engagements in which he discusses the importance of customer relations ... which explains why he was in Denver. It also means we know what happened to his bags. And that trip may be a song in itself.

Carroll's luggage, instead of flying with him to Denver, went first to Calgary and then to Denver. But it didn't stay there. It then went back to Calgary, and from there it departed again for Denver. But, again, it didn't stay there. From Denver it went to Fort Worth. And from Texas it went back to Denver where it was, at long last, delivered to Carroll's hotel in Colorado Springs, about 40 miles away. United has apologized to Carroll for the inconvenience and has "reached out to him to make this right," according to the Globe and Mail. Carroll recounted the misadventure in his Colorado Springs gig and it was relayed on Twitter and other social media by conference attendees and the story eventually made its way to the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Carroll said he's still working on the last music video in of his trilogy on the broken guitar and the lost luggage episode may get a mention.