Want a Chance to Win an AV8OR GPS from Bendix/King by Honeywell?

All you have to do is click the image at right to enter your name and e-mail address. And no, we’re not going to rent or sell your name, but Bendix may send you information on the AV8OR. You may also forward this newsletter to friends and invite them to sign-up for AVweb‘s Sun ‘n Fun coverage and qualify for the AV8OR prizes also. (We won’t spam them, either, but we will send them our e-mail news Flashes.) Deadline for entries is midnight, Monday, April 27, 2009. Click here to read the contest rules and enter. (There’s nothing to buy. All you need to do is be registered with AVweb.)

All you have to do is click the image at right to enter your name and e-mail address. And no, we're not going to rent or sell your name, but Bendix/King by Honeywell may send you information on the AV8OR. You may also forward this newsletter to friends and invite them to sign up for AVweb's Sun 'n Fun coverage and qualify for the AV8OR prizes also. (We won't spam them, either, but we will send them our e-mail news Flashes.)

Deadline for entries is midnight, Monday, April 27, 2009.

(There's nothing to buy. All you need to do is be registered with AVweb.)