Washington ADIZ “Speed Ring” Is Confusing, Says AOPA
Pilots using certain GPS receivers to navigate the complex airspace around Washington, D.C., have been receiving images that make the airspace look even more confusing than it is, AOPA said this week. A new VFR speed-limitation ring, with a radius of 60 nm around the Washington, D.C., Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), is set to become active as of Aug. 30. But the speed zone is already being depicted on some in-flight displays with graphics similar to that of a temporary flight restriction (TFR), AOPA said. The association has contacted Garmin, Honeywell and Avidyne about the problem and is working to have the speed-ring depiction removed until the zone becomes active.

Pilots using certain GPS receivers to navigate the complex airspace around Washington, D.C., have been receiving images that make the airspace look even more confusing than it is, AOPA said this week. A new VFR speed-limitation ring, with a radius of 60 nm around the Washington, D.C., Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), is set to become active as of Aug. 30. But the speed zone is already being depicted on some in-flight displays with graphics similar to that of a temporary flight restriction (TFR), AOPA said. The association has contacted Garmin, Honeywell and Avidyne about the problem and is working to have the speed-ring depiction removed until the zone becomes active. "The speed ring is not a TFR," said Melissa Rudinger, AOPA vice president of regulatory affairs. "It simply limits VFR aircraft to 230 knots, and that must be made clear on cockpit displays. AOPA is also working with the FAA, GPS manufacturers and data vendors to create a standard depiction for the speed ring that does not resemble [the graphic depiction] used for TFRs."