Where’s My Flying Car?

Back in 2003, the SEC filed a complaint against Moller International and Paul S. Moller, for the development and marketing of a Skycar — on January 30, 2012, Moller International began promoting two new Skycar designs for the LSA category. The SEC’s complaint cited “false and misleading statements” Moller used in promotional releases and soliciting “approximately $5.1 million from more than 500 investors.” Moller settled by paying a $50,000 fine and agreeing to a permanent injunction. The latest “LSA” offerings from Moller International are currently available in brochure form. Specifications for one include a cruise speed of 237 mph — about twice the light sport category’s current cruise-speed restriction. A practical flying car with every-man usability has so far eluded the public, but we may have already been introduced to a design that shows promise, aside from the Terrafugia Transition roadable aircraft.

Back in 2003, the SEC filed a complaint against Moller International and Paul S. Moller, for the development and marketing of a Skycar -- on January 30, 2012, Moller International began promoting two new Skycar designs for the LSA category. The SEC's complaint cited "false and misleading statements" Moller used in promotional releases and soliciting "approximately $5.1 million from more than 500 investors." Moller settled by paying a $50,000 fine and agreeing to a permanent injunction. The latest "LSA" offerings from Moller International are currently available in brochure form. Specifications for one include a cruise speed of 237 mph -- about twice the light sport category's current cruise-speed restriction. A practical flying car with every-man usability has so far eluded the public, but we may have already been introduced to a design that shows promise, aside from the Terrafugia Transition roadable aircraft.

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