Wings And Prayers
The concept of prayer is not lost on most pilots, but its usually the result of something that happens in the air and not the reason for being up there in the first place. But 10 pilots from various states werent involved in the usual type of cockpit entreaties — instead they were aiming their message at the state of Ohio on Good Friday with sort of a blanket blessing from on high. The volunteers crisscrossed the state invoking their message on 11 million unsuspecting Ohioans. “A plane is a good way to cover a lot of ground,” Kenneth Wortman, 73, a pilot from Lima, Ohio, told The Cincinnati Enquirer. “In the Bible, God tells us the fields are ripe for the harvest. From the air, a person can see a lot of fields.” Wortman came up with the idea for PrayerFlight last fall as he was trying to dream up more efficient ways to spread the Word.

The concept of prayer is not lost on most pilots, but its usually the result of something that happens in the air and not the reason for being up there in the first place. But 10 pilots from various states werent involved in the usual type of cockpit entreaties -- instead they were aiming their message at the state of Ohio on Good Friday with sort of a blanket blessing from on high. The volunteers crisscrossed the state invoking their message on 11 million unsuspecting Ohioans. "A plane is a good way to cover a lot of ground," Kenneth Wortman, 73, a pilot from Lima, Ohio, told The Cincinnati Enquirer. "In the Bible, God tells us the fields are ripe for the harvest. From the air, a person can see a lot of fields." Wortman came up with the idea for PrayerFlight last fall as he was trying to dream up more efficient ways to spread the Word. He found a couple of other pilots willing to give it a try and, after a shakedown flight, the decision was made to try and cover the whole state. It seems everyone had their own style of high-flying prayer; some were silent, some expressive and others a mix. But they all had a similar goal in mind. "You see rows and rows of houses, and you know they are full of people you are praying for," Samantha Ciminillo, 18, a member of Teens for Christ, told the newspaper. With Ohio now "successfully redeemed," the group hopes to take the effort national.