Young Eagles Flights OK Under Air Tours Rule
The FAA has amended its National Air Tours rule to ensure that the EAAs Young Eagles flight familiarization program for young people can continue basically unchanged. The rule, which tightened regulations for most types of sightseeing flights, contained wording that banned so-called charity flights from taking place in experimental aircraft. However, in its amendments, the FAA said that wasnt the intention. The experimental ban applies only if the flight is done for compensation or hire.

The FAA has amended its National Air Tours rule to ensure that the EAAs Young Eagles flight familiarization program for young people can continue basically unchanged. The rule, which tightened regulations for most types of sightseeing flights, contained wording that banned so-called charity flights from taking place in experimental aircraft. However, in its amendments, the FAA said that wasnt the intention. The experimental ban applies only if the flight is done for compensation or hire. There was also some confusion over the application of EAAs FAA exemption on Young Eagles flights. The agency thought all Young Eagles flights were undertaken under the exemption it issued to EAA for the program, but EAA uses the exemptions only for the very few flights that are done for compensation or hire. We therefore clarify that the final rule applies to only Young Eagles flights that are flown for compensation or hire, but the rule does not apply to other Young Eagles flights, the amendment said. It took effect June 7, two days before EAA celebrated Young Eagles Day.