FMG Find A Pilot
Volume 31, Number 11d, March 14, 2024
DoT Inspector General To Audit FAA Efforts On Drone Integration
Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operation of unmanned and autonomous systems (UAS) operations took a big step forward today (March 13). The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of Transportation (DoT) filed a memorandum on the[…]   Read this article
Boeing-Saab Air Force T-7A Trainer Facing Yet Another Delay
As revealed in Monday’s 1,040-page Pentagon budget justification document on its 2025 budget, the Air Force’s T-7A “Red Hawk” trainer program is facing yet another delay. Entry into service is now projected for mid-2028, a full year’s delay from the[…]   Read this article
Tempest 'AeroGuard Induction Filters 2.0
Flight Sim Association Invites Visitors To Its Sun 'n Fun 'Experience Center'
Next month’s Sun ‘n Fun Aerospace Expo (April 9-14) in Lakeland, Florida, will include a “Flight Simulation Experience Center,” presented by the Flight Simulation Association (FSA). Along with a number of partners, FSA invites pilots, students, kids, retirees and other[…] Read this article

Lightspeed 'Expect more from an ANR headset
Hartzell Acquires Composite Specialist WhirlWind Propellers
Hartzell Propeller announced today (March 13) it has acquired El Cajon, California-based WhirlWind Propellers. WhirlWind, founded in 1995, provides constant-speed and ground-adjustable propellers for experimental aircraft, airboats, indoor-skydiving wind tunnels and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as well as offering replacement[…] Read this article

Kitplanes 'Take-off into the world of homebuilt aircraft
Short Final: Consider This
The aviation safety culture can be brutal and unforgiving. Consider this sage advice from Angus Kydd, one of the instructors at my home-base airport, years ago. Chatting with a group of students about risk-taking, he said, “Before you do something[…] Read this article

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