David Clark ' Better than Bose
Volume 31, Number 10b, March 5, 2024
FURY Certified, 'More To Come' From Piper
Piper says deliveries of its new flagship M700 FURY will begin “immediately” after the aircraft earned type certification on Feb. 29. It also said there will be new aircraft announced shortly. “We are thrilled to announce the U.S. certification of[…]   Read this article
Generations Later, Boeing Pride Still Runs Deep
I lead a double life and in my other manifestation I am but a humble merchant who hawks his wares at a public market in a little mountain town that is crammed with tourists every summer. Our little winery seems[…]   Read this article
Elixir 'Reduced operating cost
'Freedom Of Information' Request On Jeffco Noise Testing Denied By Town
Brad Walker is frustrated, but resolute. A long-time GA pilot based at Jefferson County, Colorado’s Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (aka “Jeffco”), he has filed multiple requests under the Colorado Open Records Act (similar to the Freedom of Information Act) to[…] Read this article

MCICO 'You gotta have it
American Orders 260 New Planes
American Airlines has ordered a total of 260 new aircraft, including 85 Boeing 737 MAX 10s, an equal number of Airbus A321neos and 90 Embraer E175 regional jets. The MAX isn’t certified yet, and American said it built time into[…] Read this article

IFR 'The only magazine that speaks your language Wed
Russia's Replacement Airliner Program Already Slipping
Russia’s plan to replace Airbus and Boeing aircraft with homegrown versions of its own designs has been delayed at least a year according to the Moscow Times, as translated by the Kyiv Post. Last year President Vladimir Putin ordered the[…] Read this article

FAA Extends MOSAIC Comment Period To March 11, New Comments Limited
The FAA last month extended the comment period for the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification (MOSAIC). The extension adds a memo concerning a conversation between an FAA representative and members of the Light Sport[…] Read this article

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