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Volume 31, Number 6b, February 6, 2024
Age-67 Pilot Retirement Back In Legislative Spotlight
FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker has asked Congress to leave the current mandatory age-65 retirement age for airline pilots alone until the agency has studied the idea more. Whitaker sent a letter to Congress warning against what might be growing momentum[…]   Read this article
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FAA Advises Using Analog NAVAIDS In Spoofing Areas
The FAA is telling pilots to brush up on their old-school instrument procedures and use analog NAVAIDs where possible if they’re headed to areas where GPS spoofing is going on. In a Jan. 25 Safety Alert for Operators, the agency[…] Read this article

Best Of The Web: GPS Spoofing Explained
GPS spoofing is posing a threat to aircrews, especially those flying near war zones. Mentour put together this 22-minute video to explain a growing issue in aviation. Read this article

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Honeywell Shores Up Supply Chain With Olathe Plant Expansion
Honeywell says it’s bringing more critical supply chain manufacturing home with an $84 million expansion of its Olathe, Kansas, plant. The company announced last week the new production lines will employ 156 additional workers and secure the availability of the[…] Read this article

A320 Goes Mudding In Vilnius
The crew of an Avion Express A320 gave new meaning to the term down and dirty with a spectacular runway excursion in Vilnius, Lithuania, on the weekend. All was normal as the plane carrying 185 people approached in wet weather.[…] Read this article

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