FMG Find A Pilot
Volume 31, Number 20a, May 13, 2024
NASA Contractor Urges Delaying Starliner Rocket Launch  
A NASA contractor is warning the agency to perform more safety inspections before greenlighting the inaugural launch of its Starliner rocket slated for as early as next week. Reports say ValveTech, a subcontractor for NASA supplying the company with parts[…]   Read this article
A California Mom May Tip The Fuel Battle Scales
In all the teeth-gnashing about the rocky road to a universal unleaded aviation gasoline, there’s a background theme that I’ve been trying to get across that tends to be drowned out by the technical issues and politics of the issue.[…]   Read this article
Aircraft Spruce 'Everything for Planes & Pilots
Best Of The Web: Washington Flyby
About 60 GA aircraft representing GA over the past 85 years flew over downtown Washington on Saturday. It took more than an hour and here’s the recording of the livestream. Read this article

Avemco 'Renter's insurance...
Transportation Watchdog to Probe FAA Oversight of United Airlines Maintenance
On Thursday, the U.S. Transportation Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) said it will conduct an audit of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) oversight of United Airlines maintenance procedures. In a statement, the watchdog agency cited “recent safety events” at[…] Read this article

IFR 'The only magazine for pilots who understand...
Senate Passes Five-Year FAA Reauthorization Bill
The U.S. Senate passed a five-year extension of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on Thursday evening, just one day ahead of its expiration date.   The $105 billion bipartisan bill dubbed “The Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation[…] Read this article

Last Week's Poll Results: Electric Experience Unlikely
A whopping 71% of respondents say they’ll probably never fly an electric aircraft. Read this article

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