FMG Find A Pilot
Volume 31, Number 20c, May 15, 2024
Court Action Looms Over California Unleaded Fuel Availability
The Center for Environmental Health (CEH) appears poised to challenge in court the National Air Transport Association’s assertion that General Aviation Modifications Inc.’s G100UL is not commercially available. “G100UL has been approved by FAA and is now in production.  There[…]   Read this article
Elixir 'Reduced operating costs 1
Instructor Dies After Texan II's Ejection Seat Activates On Ground
An Air Force flight instructor died May 14 after the ejection seat in his T-6 Texan II activated while the aircraft was on the ground the day before. The incident occurred at the 82nd Training Wing at Sheppard Air Force[…] Read this article

MCICO 'Chronos Family
Trump's 757 Clips Bizjet At West Palm Beach
Donald Trump’s private Boeing 757 clipped a parked business jet owned by VistaJet at West Palm Beach Airport on Sunday morning. It hasn’t been confirmed the former president was on board, but the mishap occurred after the plane landed at[…] Read this article

Garmin 'Pilot webinar
First Private Spacewalk Planned
The next group of SpaceX space tourists hope to include a spacewalk in their Polaris Dawn mission. It would be the first-ever private spacewalk, and some expensive preparations have been made. SpaceX has modified the interior of the Crew Dragon[…] Read this article

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