Bonanza AD Fix Uses Cessna Part
The FAA says owners of certain Bonanza models can use an exhaust clamp made for Cessna aircraft as an alternative means of compliance for an AD that has grounded some Bonanzas.

The FAA says owners of certain Bonanza models can use an exhaust clamp made for Cessna aircraft as an alternative means of compliance for an AD that has grounded some Bonanzas. According to AOPA, the agency issued the AD requiring replacement of exhaust v-band clamps on A36TC and B36TC Bonanzas after one failed and led to a fatal accident. Textron didn't have any of the required clamps in stock.
The American Bonanza Society Air Safety Foundation pitched the idea that similar clamps, which have a Cessna part number, be used instead. Textron apparently has plenty of those in stock. The alternative means of compliance has been approved and the list of approved parts and models is here.

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