Deadline Nears For ADS-B Rebate

Aircraft owners who have gone through the process of upgrading for ADS-B, and applied for the FAAs $500 rebate, must submit all their paperwork by Feb. 15 to complete their claim. After the equipment is installed, the aircraft must be flown in ADS-B-controlled airspace before receiving the rebate. That flight must last at least 30 minutes, including 10 minutes of maneuvering flight.

Aircraft owners who have gone through the process of upgrading for ADS-B, and applied for the FAA's $500 rebate, must submit all their paperwork by Feb. 15 to complete their claim. After the equipment is installed, the aircraft must be flown in ADS-B-controlled airspace before receiving the rebate. That flight must last at least 30 minutes, including 10 minutes of maneuvering flight. In Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and Puerto Rico, the flight must take place above 10,000 feet MSL and in an area of ADS-B coverage. No extensions will be granted, the FAA says. According to AOPA, however, the FAA may consider extensions under certain circumstances — if weather made it unsafe to fly, or due to maintenance delays.

The deadline to equip with ADS-B is Jan. 1, 2020. After that date, unequipped aircraft will be banned from most controlled airspace. For more information about the rebate program, go to the FAA website. The site also provides information for owners of certain NavWorx avionics that the FAA says are non-compliant. Owners with questions about rebates or extensions can email the FAA for help.