Swift Fuels Offers Future STCs For One-Time Fee
Unleaded aviation gasoline developer Swift Fuels has introduced a new program offering participants all future FAA avgas supplemental type certificates (STCs) issued to the company for a one-time fee. The…

Image: Swift Fuels
Unleaded aviation gasoline developer Swift Fuels has introduced a new program offering participants all future FAA avgas supplemental type certificates (STCs) issued to the company for a one-time fee. The “FOREVER” program covers the specific aircraft and piston engines registered by the owner. According to the company, it will notify FOREVER certificate holders when new STCs are approved by the FAA and provide specified placards, license rights and FAA-required forms for free.
“The FOREVER Avgas STC program will allow Swift Fuels to ‘illuminate the pathway to Fleetwide Approval’ for pilots as we rollout our 100-octane unleaded avgas to replace 100LL,” said Swift Fuels CEO Chris D’Acosta. “While there is no assurance that the FAA will grant such a certification to every aircraft, Swift Fuels is actively pursuing their FAA certification program for engines and airframes across the North American fleet—with expectations of replacing 100LL on a global scale within 3-5 years.”
The FOREVER program is currently available in the U.S. and Canada with international sales expected to begin in approximately 90 days. Cost for a FOREVER certificate is currently $100. The program will also be open to customers purchasing a new avgas STC at no additional charge. In addition, Swift announced that it has reduced the price of its UL94 avgas STC to $100, a drop of around 75 percent.