NASA Showcases Potential Game Changers
NASA, working with the Lindbergh Foundation, will show off early research that it believes could lead to “potentially revolutionary aviation concepts and technologies” during a three-day virtual seminar held Oct. 22-24. Subjects include ceramic matrix and hybrid composites for next generation aircraft, cooperative gust sensing and suppression for aircraft formation flight, sense and avoid radar for small UAVs, and turboelectric distributed propulsion. Distributed propulsion would replace a single engine with “boundary-layer ingesting propulsors” that could be tailored to provide enhanced aircraft control while increasing overall efficiency.
NASA, working with the Lindbergh Foundation, will show off early research that it believes could lead to "potentially revolutionary aviation concepts and technologies" during a three-day virtual seminar held Oct. 22-24. Subjects include ceramic matrix and hybrid composites for next generation aircraft, cooperative gust sensing and suppression for aircraft formation flight, sense and avoid radar for small UAVs, and turboelectric distributed propulsion. Distributed propulsion would replace a single engine with "boundary-layer ingesting propulsors" that could be tailored to provide enhanced aircraft control while increasing overall efficiency.
A list of times and topics with links to more detail on each subject (click on the titles) can be found online, here. The seminar is NASA's public demonstration of research funded by the NASA Aeronautics Research Institute's Leading Edge Aeronautics Research for NASA (LEARN) Fund. The Fund makes deliberate investments in early-stage aviation concepts researched outside of NASA. The public seminar is designed to increase awareness of the agencies' activities, provide technical feedback and help researchers publicize their findings. The seminar is free and anyone can attend online via their computer or smart phone. For more details, including passcodes, click here.