Quieter Mufflers For Training Fleet

A French company has received EASA and Canadian certification for an aftermarket exhaust system that could substantially reduce noise complaints at training airports. Epagny-based Chabord has developed exhaust systems for Cessna 150, 152 and 172 aircraft it says cut the noise from them by at least half.

A French company has received EASA and Canadian certification for an aftermarket exhaust system that could substantially reduce noise complaints at training airports. Epagny-based Chabord has developed exhaust systems for Cessna 150, 152 and 172 aircraft it says cut the noise from them by at least half. It has "certified silent exhaust systems" for other small aircraft more common in Europe than in North America, like Jodels and Robins, but it was the small Cessna fleet applications that caught the eye of Michel Beaudoin, the manager of Saint-Hubert Airport in densely populated suburban Montreal. There are four busy flight schools based at his airport and noise complaints are common. "We have had a lot of problems," he told COPA eFlight.

Armed with pledges from all four schools that they would install the systems, Beaudoin and the City of Longueuil worked with Transport Canada to obtain Canadian certification of the exhausts within a few weeks of EASA approving them. The initial certification is for the ubiquitous 152 and approval for the 150s and 172s is expected to follow. Meanwhile, the company is clearly targeting the U.S. market and certification is expected soon. It will have a booth at AirVenture 2017 in Oshkosh to show the systems, which will sell for about $3,900 U.S.