…Security Issues Raised

No one in officialdom seems to be too worried about the security implications of the alleged theft … even as (some) general aviation readies to return to Washington National airport, Sept. 18 (many, many aircraft will still be excluded under extensive regulations). “I would just encourage increased vigilance at the various airports and the companies that have these aircraft to ensure better security,” Emmett told the Journal-Constitution. “I don’t think it requires any systems changes.” The various alphabet groups are offering similar advice. “This is a good reminder for all pilots to follow the Airport Watch precepts, especially securing unattended aircraft, and report any suspicious activity,” said Andy Cebula, AOPA senior vice president of government and technical affairs. “If as a community we can prevent thefts like this, we’ll reduce the chance of more security regulation.”

No one in officialdom seems to be too worried about the security implications of the alleged theft ... even as (some) general aviation readies to return to Washington National airport, Sept. 18 (many, many aircraft will still be excluded under extensive regulations). "I would just encourage increased vigilance at the various airports and the companies that have these aircraft to ensure better security," Emmett told the Journal-Constitution. "I don't think it requires any systems changes." The various alphabet groups are offering similar advice. "This is a good reminder for all pilots to follow the Airport Watch precepts, especially securing unattended aircraft, and report any suspicious activity," said Andy Cebula, AOPA senior vice president of government and technical affairs. "If as a community we can prevent thefts like this, we'll reduce the chance of more security regulation." Meanwhile, the airports involved are having a good look at security. "I'm not going to sit here and tell you it's a fortress because it's not," said Briscoe Field Manager Matt Smith. "That's something we're addressing." And while it's pretty easy to identify the problems, finding the solutions will be a little harder. "We need to go identify a source of funding, which is really what it comes down to," Smith said.