Sport Aviation Expo Starts Thursday

The U.S. Sport Aviation Expo is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and the show is all set to go at Sebring Airport in central Florida starting Thursday. The show is the only one dedicated to the Light Sport aviation segment and was started shortly after the FAA created the new aircraft classification.

The U.S. Sport Aviation Expois celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and the show is all set to go at Sebring Airport in central Florida starting Thursday. The show is the only one dedicated to the Light Sport aviation segment and was started shortly after the FAA created the new aircraft classification. Most of the leading airframers and secondary suppliers will be there with static displays and flight demos. A few days before the show, Progressive Aerodyne announced it had received FAA approval for the Elite version of its Light Sport amphib. The new aircraft sports a turbocharged Rotax 914 and a glass panel. Also among the exhibitors is Van's, which recently announced it will continue production of its ready-to-fly RV-12 Light Sport model. AVweb will be at the show and filing regular updates on our website and in Friday and Monday editions of AVwebFlash.

The show always has a packed agenda of forums and information sessions. This year's is headlined by CDR Barry Hull of Pilot Judgment Inc. with a presentation calledThe Number One Killer of Pilots and How to Prevent It. Anyone who wants to fly in certain kinds of controlled airspace, including those flying Light Sport aircraft, will have to have ADS-B equipment and Peter Ring, of Freeflight Systems, will offer a primer on the mandatory equipage issues. There are also lots of technical forums, including Phil Lockwood's annual session on the care and feeding of Rotax engines.