TKM Offers A Slide-in Replacement For KX155

Seizing on the robust niche of replacing outdated avionics with easy-to-install replacements, TKM has finally rolled out its drop-in swap for the venerable Bendix King KX155. TKM Operations Manager Vic Casebolt told AVweb at Sun n Fun its MX155 replacement unit, under development for the past three years, will be ready to ship in May. Price has not been fixed, but Casebolt cited a target of around $4,000.

Seizing on the robust niche of replacing outdated avionics with easy-to-install replacements, TKM has finally rolled out its drop-in swap for the venerable Bendix King KX155. TKM Operations Manager Vic Casebolt told AVweb at Sun‘nFun its MX155 replacement unit, under development for the past three years, will be ready to ship in May. Price has not been fixed, but Casebolt cited a target of around $4,000.