Video: Adept Airmotive Shows Its V-6 at AirVenture
Two years ago, a South African startup called Adept Airmotive announced a V-6 engine project, and they’re back at AirVenture 2013 with a running example and some test data. The company’s Richard Schultz says testing has thus far revealed that at 320 pounds and 320 horsepower, the Adept engine has an excellent power-to-weight ratio, and it addresses one sticky issue in aviation: It doesn’t require 100-octane fuel but can operate on lower grades, including mogas and biofuels. Certification, says Schultz, is about two years out.
Two years ago, a South African startup called Adept Airmotive announced a V-6 engine project, and they're back at AirVenture 2013 with a running example and some test data. The company's Richard Schultz says testing has thus far revealed that at 320 pounds and 320 horsepower, the Adept engine has an excellent power-to-weight ratio, and it addresses one sticky issue in aviation: It doesn't require 100-octane fuel but can operate on lower grades, including mogas and biofuels. Certification, says Schultz, is about two years out.

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