Video: Music of the Merlins

An extraordinary assembly of Merlin-powered warbirds took to the skies over Hamilton, Ontario on Father’s Day weekend, providing sights and sounds not experienced in decades. The star of the show was Jerry Yagen’s recently rebuilt de Havilland Mosquito (the only one of its type flying), and it flew in formation with the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Lancaster, alongside two Spitfires and two Hurricanes. AVweb‘s Russ Niles spoke with Mosquito pilot Mike Spalding of the Military Aviation Museum.

An extraordinary assembly of Merlin-powered warbirds took to the skies over Hamilton, Ontario on Father's Day weekend, providing sights and sounds not experienced in decades. The star of the show was Jerry Yagen's recently rebuilt de Havilland Mosquito (the only one of its type flying), and it flew in formation with the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum's Lancaster, alongside two Spitfires and two Hurricanes. AVweb's Russ Niles spoke with Mosquito pilot Mike Spalding of the Military Aviation Museum.

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