AVweb’s Picture of the Week …

As most of our readership knows, today is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. – a national holiday of appreciation and thankfulness. In that spirit, we’d like to take a quick moment to say “thank you” to all our readers for participating in the “Picture of the Week” contest. If we could budget for enough hats, we’d send one to everyone who’s ever submitted a photo – or commented on this feature – or just took a moment to let us know how much they enjoy it every week. It’s a bit of work at times, but it remains one of our favorite features, due to the amazing submissions of readers like you. So before we get started: Thanks for giving us so many cool photos to look at this year. Now, on to the weekly photo fun! Jay Honeck of Iowa City takes the top spot this week and will be receiving an official AVweb baseball cap sometime next week for his efforts. Remember: To qualify for a shot at the cap (or a feature spot right here on our “POTW” page), all you have to do is submit your aviation photos.

Current POTW Winner | Past POTW Winners

As most of our readership knows, today is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. - a national holiday of appreciation and thankfulness.  In that spirit, we'd like to take a quick moment to say "thank you" to all our readers for participating in the "Picture of the Week" contest.  If we could budget for enough hats, we'd send one to everyone who's ever submitted a photo - or commented on this feature - or just took a moment to let us know how much they enjoy it every week.  It's a bit of work at times, but it remains one of our favorite features, due to the amazing submissions of readers like you.  So before we get started:  Thanks for giving us so many cool photos to look at this year.

Now, on to the weekly photo fun!  Jay Honeck of Iowa City takes the top spot this week and will be receiving an official AVweb baseball cap sometime next week for his efforts.  Remember:  To qualify for a shot at the cap (or a feature spot right here on our "POTW" page), all you have to do issubmit your aviation photos.

Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.


Used with permission of Jay Honeck

"Blue Angels at Milwaukee Air Show '05"
Jay Honeck
of Iowa City, Iowa wants to write this
photo off as "just a lucky shot, with perfect clouds and lighting!"
We'll agree that the clouds and lighting are perfect - and we'll
even go so far as to say there was some luck in getting
the shot - but we object the use of the word just.
There's nothing "just" about his amazing photo, Jay -
and to prove it, we're making your Blue Angels shot
our Thanksgiving Day "Picture of the Week."

Click here to view a large version of this image
Click here for a medium-sized version

AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up. Click on the links below to view larger versions.

Used with permission of Wayne C. Norris

"Love the Red, White, and Blue"
Wayne C. Norris of Liberty, Indiana
has a few things to be thankful for today -
particularly, that DR109 in his front yard.

copyright Robert L. Burns
Used with permission

"Blue on Blue"
Robert Burns
of Mauckport, Indiana
sends us this mages of Christine St. Onge
"in her beautiful Beech C17B Staggerwing at
Beech Party 2004" in Tullahoma, Tennessee.
We have to agree with Robert - that's a
sharp paint job Ms. St. Onge is sporting.

Bonus Pictures

A little something extra
to be thankful for today:

Used with permission of George Mock

"As High as GM"
George Mock of Windsor, Ontario (Canada)
has been flying up and down the Detroit River
with his buddies again.  Thankfully, George has been
kind enough to share several of the photos his trips
up and down the river have produced - including
this one of Bill Ludwig passing by the Detroit RenCen
in his Pitts S-1T.  George muses, "[I] wonder if any of
the office workers look out and see us going by
figuring they are as high up as we are."

copyright Anthony Garcia
Used with permission

"Bath Time at NRT for this 747-400"
Anthony Garcia of Minneapolis, Minnesota
was taking some shots of this 747 from the observation
deck when he noticed the hand and water bottle -
then the co-worker in the cockpit running the wipers.

Used with permission of
Christopher Salazar

"Northern Sunset"
Christopher Salazar of Billings, Montana
works as an America West express ramper,
which (we'd imagine) gives him plenty of
opportunities for great airplane shots.
This one (one of UPS's A300s) was too
good an opportunity to pass up - and we're
glad Christopher was there with his camera.

copyright Chuck Charles
Used with permission

"Fly with a Friend"
We're guilty of enjoying "cute" airplane
pictures a little too much sometimes, but this one
from Chuck Charles of Inverness, Florida
had us rolling in the aisles.  His only comment on
this picture was "Shadow and Tailwheel out for a little fun."
Maybe it should be obvious - like Starsky and Hutch - but
which one's Shadow, and which one's Tailwheel?

To enter next week's contest, click here.

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.