AVweb’s Picture of the Week …
As usual, “Picture of the Week” went on hiatus during the hectic week of AirVenture Oshkosh – but this year, we received too many submissions that week to roll them all into the following week’s contest. So, without further ado, here’s a special bonus “POTW” gallery from Oshkosh week 2005!
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As usual, "Picture of the Week" went on hiatus during the hectic week of AirVenture Oshkosh - but this year, we received too many submissions that week to roll them all into the following week's contest. So, without further ado, here's a special bonus "POTW" gallery from Oshkosh week 2005!
Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.
Used with permission of Pete Thielen |
"Airic's Glow"
Pete Thielen of Green Bay, Wisconsin writes,
"I recently came to work for EAA and have been working
to familiarize myself with all aspects of flight. This photo is
from the Wausau (Wisconsin) Balloon Rally and Glow,
and the balloon belongs to a friend and fellow employee."
A newcomer to EAA, eh, Pete? You did stop by the AVweb
booth in Hangar A and visit with us at AirVenture, didn't you?
If so, you know exactly what the AVweb cap that's winging its
way to your door looks like! Wear it with pride to all those
balloon races you'll be attending later this year ... .
AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up. Click on the links below to view larger versions.
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copyright Don Parsons |
Now here's a family after our own heart:
Don Parsons of St. Peters, Missouri
didn't make it to Oshkosh this year, so
he and his son Skyler (pictured) decided
to have their own version of the fly-in right
in the backyard. "Ourshkosh," they called it!
Before the letters start pouring in: Yes, Don
'fessed up to doctoring the picture - it's actually
a composite with Skyler from one photo and a
radio-controlled model J-3 Cub from another.
And we didn't make any Honey, I Shrunk the Kids jokes!
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copyright Max Haynes |
"On Cloud 264"
Max Haynes of Maple Grove, Minnesota
didn't use any models in this shot - nor in any
of the half-dozen or so great photographs
in his 2005 Oshkosh gallery. Thanks for sharing
the gallery link with us, Max. We hope linking
to you from "POTW" doesn't flood
you with too much traffic ... !
Bonus Pictures
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Used with permission of Michael Callihan |
"Santa Fe Sunrise"
Michael Callihan of Albuquerque, New Mexico writes,
"This photo as taken on a November morning in 2002 while
awaiting passengers at the Santa Fe airport. The notable B-17
Aluminum Overcast is in the foreground, and the Connie Columbine
48-610, which became President Eisenhower's aircraft in January 1953,
is shown in the background. The Connie has since been relocated to Arizona."
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Used with permission of Lawrence Gilbert |
"J3 Starter"
Lawrence Gilbert of Titusville, Florida
treats us to what he calls a "typical scene
at Dunn Airpark ... a grassroots airport."
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Used with permission of Joseph Marszal |
A year later, we're still drawn to (and frightened by)
photos taken in the aftermath of Hurricane Charley.
This one, from Joseph Marszal of Winter Park, Florida,
serves as a grim reminder that hurricane season is
almost upon us again and that we should all
spend a few minutes making preparations.
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Used with permission of Brian Lee Robbins |
"How to Know You Are On an Airway"
Just so we don't end on a somber note,
Brian Lee Robbins of Columbus, New Jersey
demonstrates that Mother Nature can have a sense
of humor, too - and, as Brian says, she "must be
instrument-rated, as only one letter seems
to have been affected by the weather!"
To enter next week's contest, click here.
A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.