AVweb’s Picture of the Week …
Submissions dipped just a tiny bit this week – but quality certainly didn’t. Of 52 pictures submitted to this week’s “POTW” contest, 37 were in our “final contender” pile. The happy side effect is a fantastic crop of pictures to share with AVweb readers. As always, our first-place winner (Lee Wonnacott of Crystal, Michigan) takes home an official AVweb baseball cap for his efforts. To get a shot at the top spot (and one of those nifty caps), don’t forget to submit your own photos.
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Submissions dipped just a tiny bit this week - but quality certainly didn't. Of 52 pictures submitted to this week's "POTW" contest, 37 were in our "final contender" pile. The happy side effect is a fantastic crop of pictures to share with AVweb readers.
As always, our first-place winner (Lee Wonnacott of Crystal, Michigan) takes home an official AVweb baseball cap for his efforts. To get a shot at the top spot (and one of those nifty caps), don't forget to submit your own photos.
Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.
copyright Lee Wonnacott |
"Are We Still in Formation?"
Lee Wonnacott of Crystal, Michigan
captured this incredible B-25 image from
the ground at the Michigan International
Speedway just a few days ago.
AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up. Click on the links below to view larger versions.
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Used with permission of Brian Fox |
"Nice Day in Arizona"
Brian Fox of Higley, Arizona
brings us this striking Cessna 150
approach from the Estrella Sailport
in Maricopa, Arizona.
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Used with permission of Joseph Avila |
Joseph Avila of Edgewood, Washington
assures us, "No, I didn't fly this young man
in the cargo compartment. He just wanted to
see the rest of the airplane after his ride."
Bonus Pictures
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Used with permission of Ryan Lunde |
"Luck in Sidney"
Ryan Lunde of Laramie, Wyoming
tells one of many great stories we heard
this week: "My friend Eric (pictured) and I
were ferrying this Stinson 108 from Green Bay to
Denver when our tailwheel went flat on takeoff from Eureka,
South Dakota. We continued on to Sidney, Nebraska, where
we were lucky enough to have a grass runway pointed directly into
the 25-knot wind and landed safely after a very nervous flight.
To top it all off, Sidney Aviation is American Champion dealer
and had a new tire and tube on hand. Eric is an A&P and changed
it quickly. After all, there need to be a few A&P-at-work photos on
'POTW' every now and then."
AVweb hopes that our A&Ps will note how
graciously we side-stepped the obvious joke.
Especially when it's time for our annuals.
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copyright Lassi Tolvanen |
"C-170 Enjoys the Last Rays of Winter Sun"
Lassi Tolvanen of Helsinki, Finland
reminds us that cold weather isn't gone forever,
with this image of Esa Korjula sailing over a frozen
lakebed at dawn near the end of winter.
And finally, two widescreen images to take us home this week:
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copyright Skot Weidemann |
Used with permission |
"Warbird Historical Formation Flight"
Skot Weidemann of Madison, Wisconsin
grabbed this terrific shot at this year's Sun 'n Fun.
As Skot points out, this formation represents a range
of military planes from WWII through the present.
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Used with permission of Ted Gado |
"Sunset over Kiowas"
Ted Gado of Cortlandt Manor, New York
sees us off this week with another widescreen
photo from the military operations in Iraq, courtesy
of friends who are stationed in the area.
To enter next week's contest, click here.
A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.