AVweb’s Picture of the Week …

In mid-May, when “Picture of the Week” submissions were lagging, we put out the call for you to send us your best aviation photos – and you answered with a flood of brand-new pictures that were so exciting, so lively, we almost started that week’s column with these words: “Best week ever.” Man, are we glad we didn’t. Because this week’s submissions might be even better! There were slightly fewer submissions than in the previous landmark week, but the variety couldn’t be beat. We laughed; we marvelled; we turned green with envy once or twice; and we even gasped once! Join us for a quick tour through this week’s vibrant submissions – starting with the photo that made us gasp, from Max Haynes of Maple Grove, Minnesota. (Max will be getting an Official AVweb Baseball Cap for placing first in this week’s contest. Submit your aviation photos today, and you might be the next reader sporting an AVweb cap around your FBO!)

Current POTW Winner | Past POTW Winners

In mid-May, when "Picture of the Week" submissions were lagging, we put out the call for you to send us your best aviation photos - and you answered with a flood of brand-new pictures that were so exciting, so lively, we almost started that week's column with these words: "Best week ever."

Man, are we glad we didn't. Because this week's submissions might be even better! There were slightly fewer submissions than in the previous landmark week, but the variety couldn't be beat. We laughed; we marvelled; we turned green with envy once or twice; and we even gasped once! Join us for a quick tour through this week's vibrant submissions - starting with the photo that made us gasp, from Max Haynes of Maple Grove, Minnesota.

(Max will be getting an Official AVweb Baseball Cap for placing first in this week's contest. Submit your aviation photos today, and you might be the next reader sporting an AVweb cap around your FBO!)

Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.


Used with permission of Max Haynes

"Water Light"
Max Haynes
of Maple Grove, Minnesota soars high
this week with a photo taken during a formation flying exercise
over the Mississippi River. This photo was taken directly after the
Commemorative Air Force's "Wings of Freedom" Air Show.

Interested in the CAF?
See more photos atMinnesotaWing.com!

Click here to view a large version of this image

AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up. Click on the links below to view larger versions.

Used with permission of Randy Kirgiss

"Flying Over Baghdad"
Randy Kirgiss of the U.S. military sent
us this photo of a mission over Baghdad.
We found it both ominous and majestic.

Used with permission of Brett Justus

"Showing an Early Interest"
Brett Justus
of Sumter, South Carolina
was thrilled to see his daughter taking an
interest in flying. Mom, on the other hand,
"groaned when she realized we now had
two plane nuts in the family!"

Bonus Pictures

Woo-hoo! The sheer number and quality
of photos has us jumping for joy this week.
Why, we might even be happier than this next guy ...

Used with permission of Billy Walker

"The Stearman Bunch"
Billy Walker of Phoenix, Arizona adds
another photo to our collection of clever
in-flight self-portraits. Why so happy?
He was headed to the Stearman Fly-In
at the Palm Springs Air Museum!

copyright Hal Samples
Used with permission

"Life Is Good"
This photo from Stephen Hundley of Dallas, Texas
(where everything is bigger, right?) makes a great
desktop wallpaper on those new 17" "widescreen"
monitors - even if it is a little creepy to have a picture
of someone else's family on your computer at work.
Stephen explains that the photo (taken by photographer
Hal Samples) was a Father's Day giftfrom the
family, featuring his wife and two daughters:
"Everything I love in one photo!"

Our apologies to Stephen for incorrectly attributing his
family to photographer Hal Samples when we first ran
this photo.  Stephen was kind enough to send us the
correction on Thursday morning after we ran the AVflash.

Used with permission of Richard Proctor

"Chamfered Wing"
Richard Proctor of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
asks the question, "Is that why - or how - they
chamfer the wing-tip?" (Yes, clever captioning
helps you out in the weekly "POTW" contest ... !)

copyright Blake Mathis/
Classic Air Works

Used with permission

"Sunset on the Saturn V"
Blake Mathis of Madison, Alabama
closes this week's edition of "POTW"
with a peaceful sunset backdrop framing
the Saturn V rocket that stands watch over
the U.S. Space and Rocket Center
in Huntsville, Alabama.

To enter next week's contest, click here.

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.