AVweb’s Picture of the Week …

Wha-? Where are all the pictures this week? Is everyone O.K. out there? Not that we’re complaining, but this has been the slowest week for “POTW” submissions in well over a year. (If you don’t count Christmas, AirVenture, and Sun ‘n Fun, when submissions typically slack off.) Quite frankly, we’re a little worried about our photographer friends. Send us some pictures and check in! Thankfully, those who did submit pics this week turned in some gorgeous photos – like our winning FJ-4B Fury pic from Rich Sugden of Wyoming. Naturally, Rich will be covering his head this summer with an official AVweb baseball hat for his efforts. Our other winners will have to settle for the fleeting fame of being “POTW” contenders – along with the oohs and ahhs of a few hundred thousand aviation buffs who read AVweb.

Current POTW Winner | Past POTW Winners

Wha-?  Where are all the pictures this week?  Is everyone O.K. out there?

Not that we're complaining, but this has been the slowest week for "POTW" submissions in well over a year.  (If you don't count Christmas, AirVenture, and Sun 'n Fun, when submissions typically slack off.)  Quite frankly, we're a little worried about our photographer friends. Send us some pictures and check in!

Thankfully, those who did submit pics this week turned in some gorgeous photos - like our winning FJ-4B Fury pic from Rich Sugden of Wyoming.  Naturally, Rich will be covering his head this summer with an official AVweb baseball hat for his efforts.  Our other winners will have to settle for the fleeting fame of being "POTW" contenders - along with the oohs and ahhs of a few hundred thousand aviation buffs who read AVweb.

Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.


Used with permission of Rich Sugden

"Fury over NAS Lemoore"
Rich Sugden
of Jackson, Wyoming takes home top
honors this week for this dynamic image of his FJ-4B Fury
over the Naval Air Station in California.  According to Rich, this
is the only Fury left flying in the world - and it appears to be
flying pretty well, based on the company it's keeping.

Click here to view a large version of this image
Click here for a medium-sized version

AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up. Click on the links below to view larger versions.

Used with permission of Erez Boym

"Going High-Tech"
We can always count on Erez Boym
of Shimshit, Israel to deliver stunning landscapes
in his aviation photos, and this week's entry from
Erez is no exception.  "We had to make a short
landing on an amazing peak," he writes, "and
these guys came to say 'hello.'"  Without the
explanation, we thought these two might
be shepherds who were upgrading
their sheep dogs.

Used with permission of Paul R. Rachels

"Al Asad Morning"
Paul Rachels
spent four months in Iraq
as a civilian tech rep working with VMA-311
Tomcats, during which time he snapped this
photo of the Marine control tower at Al Asad.
This one is well on its way to being our favorite
ATC photo, Paul - thanks for sharing!

Bonus Pictures

All right, you guys were slacking off a bit this week
in the submissions department - but because
we're big-hearted, generous folks here at AVweb
(and because the few pictures we did get were all
so darned good), we'll reward you with some
bonus pictures, anyway.  Feel free to express your
undying gratitude by bombarding us
with photos next week, okay?

Used with permission of Billy Walker

"Puff and Friends"
Here's one of several great photos from
Billy & Cheryl Walker
of Phoenix, Arizona.
This one was taken at Robert H. Barger Day
at Falcon Field in Mesa, Arizona.  According to Billy,
Capt. Barger (UAL Ret.) is a WWII-era Army Air Corps
instructor and father of JetBlue President Dave Barger
and former Top Gun Mike Barger (VP of Training at JetBlue).
A stroke victim and triplegic, Capt. Barger rode with Billy
in the T-6 during the ceremonies.  Pilots in this photo include:
Billy Walker and Dick Delafield in the AC-47 gunship
Puff the Magic Dragon; Dale Churchill in the T-6;
Billy Friedland; Brian Churchill; and the late Russ Allen.

Used with permission of John Heilman

"Blue Angels Snapshot"
John Heilman of Lake St. Louis, Missouri
caught this young lady taking snaps at the
St. Louis Fair and Air Show in 2004.  Our
only question is, "Why didn't she send
this in to 'Picture of the Week'?"

Used with permission of Peter Anderer

We didn't give this image a second thought, either -
until we realized that wasn't snow on the ground!
Peter Anderer
of Ayer, Massachusetts
provided only this by way of explanation:
"Working on the foam system when
something went wrong."

Used with permission of Jane E. Carpenter

"A Great Day to Fly"
All right, so it's four people in a cockpit -
but it's four really happy people in a cockpit, and if
that isn't in the spirit of "POTW," we don't know what is. 
Thanks to Jane Carpenter of Ft. Collins, Colorado
and the rest of her crew for winging us out this week.

Remember:  This was a light week for "POTW" entries.  If you want to keep seeing all these great bonus pictures, you've gottasend us pictures, man!  Now go forth and click 'til your fingers hurt!

To enter next week's contest, click here.

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.