AVweb’s Picture of the Week …

It’s been a couple of weeks since Sun ‘n Fun – just enough time for reader photos to start trickling in. You’ve seen our galleries; now let’s see what AVweb readers who were lucky enough to attend the show sent us!

Current POTW Winner | Past POTW Winners

It's been a couple of weeks since Sun 'n Fun - just enough time for reader photos to start trickling in.  You've seenour galleries; now let's see what AVweb readers who were lucky enough to attend the show sent us!

(Of course, this week's winner - Harry Silcox of Sun City, Florida - will be getting an official AVweb baseball cap in the mail for his contribution.)

Have your own pictures from Sun 'n Fun?  Want to win one of those spiffy hats? Submit your amateur aviation photos here.

Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.


Used with permission of Harry Silcox

"Picture Window"
Harry Silcox
of Sun City, Florida
demonstrates how to travel to an airshow in style.
And a big "happy birthday" to Jacob, who turned three
at Sun 'n Fun.  Eyes on the skies, young master Jake!

Click here to view a large version of this image
Click here for a medium-sized version

AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up. Click on the links below to view larger versions.

Used with permission of Dave Curran

"We Have Come a Long Way ..."
Dave Curran of Stafford, Virginia
snapped this shot of two L-39s at the show.
"The caption is just a suggestion," writes Dave.
"Change it as you wish."  Actually, Dave, we thought
you nailed it on this one, so we left the caption as-is.

Used with permission of Al Hallonquist

"You Never Know Who's in the Crowd!"
Al Hallonquist of Hobe Sound, Florida
caught an interesting moment on film
that didn't involve in aircraft.  Al explains:
"A picture of X-15 mothership and first-flight-of-the-B-1 pilot
Charlie Bock (blue shirt) and X-15 pilot and major record
holder Bob White at Sun 'n Fun on April 14.  While [I was] taking
the picture, someone stopped and asked if they were famous
and should he take a picture but walked away before I could answer.
Shoulda stuck around."

Bonus Pictures

Sun 'n Fun wasn't the only place
with aviation action that's been
caught on film by our readers.
Stick around for this week's bonus pictures!

Used with permission of
Amanda Carter

"Wing Walker at NAS Corpus Christi"
Amanda Carter of Corpus Christi, Texas
drags us away from Sun 'n Fun for a brief glimpse of
air show action at the NAS Corpus Christi Air Show.
Amanda got this terrific shot with a Canon Digital Rebel 9.

Used with permission of John G. Crusco

"Duggy Enjoying the Sun"
John Crusco of Dover, Delaware
takes us back to Sun 'n Fun, where he
snapped this cheery photo of air-show
favorite Duggy, "the smile in the sky."

Used with permission of Gary L. Evans

"Commander Fly-By"
Gary Evans
of the Woodlands, Texas
took this photo during a "spot landing event"
at the Lawyer-Pilot's Bar Association Meeting
in Tucson, Arizona.  (Gary's plane took first place.)
Hmmm - we know a few pilot jokes, and everyone
knows a dozen or so lawyer jokes - but are there any
good lawyer-pilot jokes out there?  Gary? Anyone?

Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

"Open Cockpit Profile"
Timothy O'Connor
of Cincinnati, Ohio writes,
"This photo caught my gyroplane's rotor ... at the
instant it was passing overhead."  Timothy pegs
the craft as an Air Command 447 gyroplane, but
the identity of the Man in Black remains a mystery.

To enter next week's contest, click here.

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.