AVweb’s Picture of the Week …
Quick! Grab a cold beverage and your best reading glasses, because this week our “POTW” submitters are battling it out in a game of chance! There were so many outstanding selections this week that we’ve chosen two photos for each of the top three slots. All are outstanding photos, worthy of “POTW” honors – so we’re going to decide who appears in each slot with an old-fashioned coin toss. (We know it sounds crazy, but hey – it does mean more pictures than usual!)
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Quick! Grab a cold beverage and your best reading glasses, because this week our "POTW" submitters are battling it out in a game of chance!
There were so many outstanding selections this week that we've chosen two photos for each of the top three slots. All are outstanding photos, worthy of "POTW" honors - so we're going to decide who appears in each slot with an old-fashioned coin toss.
(We know it sounds crazy, but hey - it does mean more pictures than usual!)
Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.
Our contenders for the #1 spot come from "POTW" regular contributors George Mock and Erez Boym. Both have submitted gorgeous photos over the last year, so let's see who the the fickle hand of fate favors today ... .
Used with permission of George Mock |
"Coast Guard Helicopter at the Ambassador Bridge"
Our first quarter comes down on the side of
George Mock of Windsor, Ontario (Canada),
who notes that "the camera lens makes the ... helicopter
look like it is entangled in the wires of the Ambassador
Bridge over the Detroit River." We were won over
by the great color contrast, honestly.
Click here to view a large version of this image
Click here for a medium-sized version
Used with permission of Erez Boym |
Coin-Toss Runner-Up #1
Erez Boym of Shimshit, Israel will also
be getting a hat for his winning contribution -
because fate may be cruel, but Team POTW
knows a good photo when we see it!
AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up. Click on the links below to view larger versions.
So if our top-spot contenders were both from "POTW" veterans, what do our second-place challengers have in common? Believe it or not, both come from Barrow, Alaska - the northernmost city in the United States. Kathy Moulton and Janice Wright of Barrow go toe-to-toe for our #2 spot, and the coin favors ...
"Headed South - The Only Direction Left"
Janice Wright's photo of Alaska Airlines Flight 144
departing Barrow edges out the competition in the
random coin toss. Janice tells us her photo was
taken at around 10am on February 15.
Kathy Moulton writes, "I've been watching
these incredible DC-6s ... for the last
three months now, and they still make
my soul sing with their incredible beauty."
Our third and final coin toss decides the fate of two photos sent in by the same reader - Loray Greiner of Bangkok, Philippines. Loray's name showed up on three of our final 15 selections, so let's see which of his photos the coin favors for this week's Official Number Three spot ... .
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Used with permission of Loray Greiner |
"Office? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Office"
"This shot was taken at a beautiful resort on
Siargao Island - possibly the most remote,
most pristine, and relaxing corner of the
Philippine Islands," writes Loray Greiner.
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Used with permission |
Coin-Toss Runner-Up #3
"This DeHavilland Beaver is one of several in
South Vietnam colors that were captured by the Viet Cong,"
writes Loray. "This pic was taken in the '80s, and as far as I
know, they are still locked up in storage. ... All attempts to
'pry them loose' [have] failed. Such a shame."
Bonus Pictures
We warned you it was going to be an odd week.
Stop counting and enjoy the extra pictures already!
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Used with permission of Stoney Truett |
Stoney Truett of Cayce, South Carolina
sent us this stark image we couldn't pass up.
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Used with permission of Barrie Smith |
"Barons Circus in Flight"
And finally, Barrie Smith of Christchurch, Canterbury
(New Zealand) reminds us that air show season is
a-comin' with this shot from the Classic Fighters Air Show
in Blenheim, New Zealand.
To enter next week's contest, click here.
A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.