AVweb’s Picture of the Week …

It’s all sunsets and horizons in the latest installment of “Picture of the Week.” Even with an unprecedented three bonus pictures this time around, we had to leave some truly beautiful shots behind on the cutting-room floor. Once you see this week’s winners, we think you’ll forgive us. As always, our winner (Michael Montgomery of Kentucky) will be receiving an official AVweb baseball cap to show off at his local airport. Congratulations, Michael!

Current POTW Winner | Past POTW Winners

It's all sunsets and horizons in the latest installment of "Picture of the Week."  Even with an unprecedented three bonus pictures this time around, we had to leave some truly beautiful shots behind on the cutting-room floor.  Once you see this week's winners, we think you'll forgive us.  As always, our winner (Michael Montgomery of Kentucky) will be receiving an official AVweb baseball cap to show off at his local airport.  Congratulations, Michael!

Remember: We want to see your holiday-themed airplane shots, sosubmit 'em here!

Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.


Used with permission of Michael Montgomery

"Balloon Heaven"
Michael Montgomery
of Mt. Washington, Kentucky
takes home top honors with this photo
of an early morning balloon flight in Indiana.

Click here to view a large version of this image
Click here for a medium-sized version

AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up. Click on the links below to view larger versions.

Used with permission of Keith Hershberger

"Left Base Rwy 08
(Georgetown, Grand Cayman)"

Keith Hershberger of Newton, Kansas submitted
this image with no comment, so we'll provide one for him:

Used with permission of Jared Yates

"New ATC Death Ray"
Jared Yates of Meridian, Mississippi sends us this photo
of the control tower in Campinas, Brazil.  Jared explains:
"What looks like a new laser death ray designed to keep
wandering pilots in line is actually [a] Christmas decoration.
Viewed from the busy highway, it looks like a Christmas tree,
but from our vantage point at Gate M1, it's outright scary.
I don't think you'll see decorations on any tower in the U.S.,
much less a major international airport!"
(Now we know what to getDon Brown for the holidays ... !)

Bonus Pictures

We have to do something with all the
extra "POTW" contenders you've
been sending us lately, so here are
some well-deserved bonus pics:

Used with permission of Per Erik Pfingst

"Sunrise in EDXD (Bohmte, Germany)"
Per Erik Pfingst of Huede, Lower Saxony, Germany
delivers another stunning sunrise photo for us this week.

Used with permission of Gene Bannister

"The Waiting Game"
From the other side of the Earth,
Gene Bannister
of Olympia, Washington
gives us an equally beautiful sunset.

Used with permission of John Howland

"Shooting Star Jet"
And John Howland of St. Simon's Island, Georgia
writes, "While trying to photograph the meteor shower,
I caught a great shot of this twin going past.  You can
even tell which way he was going."

To enter next week's contest, click here.

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.