Picture of the Week

Welcome back to AVweb‘s “Picture of the Week” – the feature wherein we share the best reader-submitted photos from the past week with all our fellow AVwebbers. This week, you’ll notice a few changes in the “POTW” – most notably, that we’re going to back to our old habit of sharing only the top three reader photos. But don’t panic! This is actually part of a clever scheme on our part to share more photos with you. (Read on!) Over the past couple of years, we’ve been sneaking in extra photos here and there whenever we could. (To be honest, we were mostly doing this because there were too many cool photos that went unseen when we featured only the top three.) But the more photos we show, the more photos our readers submit. Lately we’ve been running 8 to 10 pictures each week and feeling that we could easily keep going to another 8 or 10! So, in an effort to get more photos out there, we’re trimming the feature down to the Top Three photos once again – and posting a dozen or so bonus pics on the AVweb home page every week! Feel free to browse through our top photos while you glance at the day’s headlines – and don’t be surprised if we sneak a couple of extra images in there throughout the week. (We’re devilish that way.) And while you’re gawking at your fellow readers’ photos, why not send us one of your own? A quick note for submitters: We’re going to try to limit it to one photo per reader per week, so if you’ve got several photos that you feel are “POTW” material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! 😉

Welcome back to AVweb's "Picture of the Week" - the feature wherein we share the best reader-submitted photos from the past week with all our fellow AVwebbers.  This week, you'll notice a few changes in the "POTW" - most notably, that we're going to back to our old habit of sharing only the top three reader photos.

But don't panic!  This is actually part of a clever scheme on our part to share more photos with you.  (Read on!)

Over the past couple of years, we've been sneaking in extra photos here and there whenever we could.  (To be honest, we were mostly doing this because there were too many cool photos that went unseen when we featured only the top three.)  But the more photos we show, the more photos our readers submit.  Lately we've been running 8 to 10 pictures each week and feeling that we could easily keep going to another 8 or 10!  So, in an effort to get more photos out there, we're trimming the feature down to the Top Three photos once again - and posting a dozen or so bonus pics on theAVweb home page every week!

Feel free to browse through our top photos while you glance at the day's headlines - and don't be surprised if we sneak a couple of extra images in there throughout the week.  (We're devilish that way.)

And while you're gawking at your fellow readers' photos, why not send us one of your own?

A quick note for submitters:  We're going to try to limit it to one photo per reader per week, so if you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week!  ;)


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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

Don't Try This at Home!

Jim Wilson of Allen, Texas writes, "A passing thunderstorm almost dissuaded me from shooting this aircraft.  Turns out the storm and mist made the shot!"  We couldn't agree more - and so Jim's photo is our "Picture of the Week" for December 14.

Watch your mailbox for an Official AVweb Baseball Cap, Jim!

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

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copyright Jim Wilson Photography
Used with permission of Jim Wilson

AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up.  Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

Learn to Fly Here

The cheeky headline from Ron Lee of Peyton, Colorado made us wince and smirk - but not enough to counter the shock of seeing someone's dream wrapped up in a tree like a wayward kite.  Ron tells us the plane lost power while flying night-time T&Gs and crashed into this tree near Ron's FBO.  Thankfully, the pilot walked away.

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee

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Used with permission of Ron Lee


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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

Three of a Kind

Eric Cobb of Santa Ynez, California has shown up in "POTW" before.  This time he treats us to a gorgeous shot of EZs sailing over the California coast.

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

Hankering for more reader-submitted photos?  There are a dozen more waiting for you at AVweb.com today!

To enter next week's contest, click here.

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.