Picture of the Week

If you enjoy this week’s gawking at this week’s “POTW” winners halfas much as we did, then you’re in for a treat! Despite a dip insubmission numbers, this week’s entries were top-notch. (Just goesto show that quality and quantity are two very different animals,indeed.) Of barely 60 photos, we pushed almost 40 of them into our”contender” pile from the get-go. Naturally, that made choosing awinner extra tough this week, but we think things worked out nicely.Once we finally decided on a top photo, we peeked at the name associatedwith it and were happy to see John Andrew Karas‘sname. John’s submitted some terrific photos in the past, so he’slong overdue for an official AVweb baseball cap. (Remember: We only give away one “POTW” hat each week – to thetop photo submitter – but we do give away plenty of exposure, goodfeelings, and gratitude by running a bunch of runners-up right here onAVweb every Thursday. So if you’ve got a flying picture you’d liketo share with, do it! Browsing your photos is the highlight of our week, folks!)

If you enjoy this week's gawking at this week's "POTW" winners half as much as we did, then you're in for a treat!  Despite a dip in submission numbers, this week's entries were top-notch.  (Just goes to show that quality and quantity are two very different animals, indeed.)  Of barely 60 photos, we pushed almost 40 of them into our "contender" pile from the get-go.  Naturally, that made choosing a winner extra tough this week, but we think things worked out nicely.  Once we finally decided on a top photo, we peeked at the name associated with it and were happy to see John Andrew Karas's name.  John's submitted some terrific photos in the past, so he's long overdue for an official AVweb baseball cap.

(Remember:  We only give away one "POTW" hat each week - to the top photo submitter - but we do give away plenty of exposure, good feelings, and gratitude by running a bunch of runners-up right here on AVweb every Thursday.  So if you've got a flying picture you'd like to share with, do it!  Browsing your photos is the highlight of our week, folks!)


click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

Bombs Away!

Believe it or not, we haven't seen many air show "bombing" photos this summer - well, not as many as we saw last summer, anyway.

John Andrew Karas of Greenfield, Wisconsin corrects the oversight this week by reminding us that while we all enjoy seeing a graceful, well-designed airplane fly overhead, nothing get the blood pumping like watching one blow things up in the safety of an air show environment.

(And even if this B-25 isn't really blowing things up, we can still enjoy the showmanship.)

For the record, John has submitted lots of memorable photos to "POTW" - but this is only the third time (as far as we can recall) that he's made it to the feature page.  Thanks for all the images, John - wish we could've run 'em all!

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

click for a larger version

copyright John Andrew Karas
Used with permission

AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up.  Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

Late Night Roll Out

Ryan Johnson of Denair, California gets a little fancy with his shutter speed in this week's so-close-you-could-cut-the-tension-with-a-knife runner-up.

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson

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Used with permission of Ryan Johnson


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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

A Canopy of Rain Drops

Speaking of "fancy," Adam Hooper of Churchill, Manitoba (Canada) breaks out the much-maligned digital effects for this nifty canopy shot of a Swedish Air Force Saab Gripen.

(Thanks, Adam.  We made this one into a desktop wallpaper right away.)

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper

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Used with permission of Adam Hooper


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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

Bringing Her Ashore the Old-Fashioned Way

We're not sure who's who in this photo from Kostas Rossidis of Moschato, Athens (Greece) - but this is Kostas (CPT B-737/400) and Nikos Petritsis (Olympic Airlines mechanic) "executing a delicate docking procedure."

(Looks a lot more fun than the last time we did anything that involved the words delicate and procedure.)

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis

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copyright Nikos Petritsis
Used with permission of Kostas Rossidis


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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

Mustang "Spitting Fire"

Joana Dias of Bois de Filions, Qubec (Canada) had three photos in this week's "top ten" stack.  (Although, to be honest, it was more like a "top twenty-five" this week.)  Since we couldn't run them all, we chose this as our favorite - a shot Joana happened to catch at just the right moment, as this Mustang flared to light right in front of her camera.

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission

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copyright Joana Dias
Used with permission


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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill


Sleek lines and classy design are an undeniable part of our attraction to airplanes.  Edward F. Covill of Watertown, Connecticut seems to have found the perfect way to bring those attributes to his ground transportation, as well.



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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill

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Used with permission of Edward F. Covill


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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

Say Again?

"Seen at the drive through 'squawk box' of the Krispy Kreme donut shop [in] Des Plaines," writesPhil Brooks of Mt. Prospect, Illinois.  According to Phil, this drive-through is about 1/2 mile off the approach end of O'Hare Airport's Runway 22.

Perhaps they should attach a noise-cancelling headset to the box?

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks

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copyright Bret Proden
Used with permission of Phil Brooks


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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

The Purpose of the Propeller?

"Certainly to cool the pilot!" writes Christian Hauser of Vienna (Austria).  "Here the prop of Socata TBM700 'ABV' of the French Air Force demonstrates that in a head-on view at RIAT 2006 at Fairford."

(Be sure to click through for thelarge-size version of this one.)

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Hauser
Used with permission

 Sshh - we know we're dragging this week's edition of "POTW" on a bit longer than usual, but don't tell anyone.  We just couldn't let these two pics fall off the list and disappear.

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

Bonus Bonus Picture!

Roger Brush of Colorado Springs, Colorado writes, "I went to Alaska to get a seaplane rating. Couldn't have picked a better place."

Kinda speaks for itself, doesn't it?

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush

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Used with permission of Roger Brush


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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

Triple-Bonus Picture!

Tom Rudolf of Middletown, Ohio took this one "at the end of the 2006 National Aeronca Association Fly-In at Aeronca's home field - and now it signals the end of an extra-long edition of "POTW."

We'll tighten things up next week and try to keep it a little shorter - but in the meantime,keeping sending us those photographs!

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

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Used with permission of Tom Rudolf

To enter next week's contest, click here.

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.