Picture of the Week

We have a slightly shorter installment of “Picture of the Week” for you today, as we’re preparing for next week’s Sun ‘n Fun Fly-In in Lakeland, Florida. As usual, we’ll be skipping “POTW” next week in favor of bringing you all the sights (and some of the sounds) of the air show that kicks off the spring season in our neck of the woods. If you plan on attending the show, please remember to visit with our sponsors and thank them helping us pay the bills. And while you’re at, keep your eyes peeled for AVweb staffers. We’re hoping to meet lots of you at the show and hear what you have to say about us. If you’re not attending the show, don’t forget to upload your photos for our next “POTW” contest! Your entries will be safe and sound on our server until we return from the show and resume the “POTW” festivities on April 12. With two weeks’ worth of submissions to choose from, we hope to have a spectacular week. Speaking of which, this week’s selections aren’t half bad, either! Trey Carroll of Knightstown, Indiana takes the top honor this week, with a photo of the spectacular WWII-era Corsair soaring across the skies of the 21st Century. As usual, we’ll be sending Trey an official AVweb baseball hat to commemorate his top-notch photo.

We have a slightly shorter installment of "Picture of the Week" for you today, as we're preparing for next week'sSun 'n Fun Fly-In in Lakeland, Florida.  As usual, we'll be skipping "POTW" next week in favor of bringing you all the sights (and some of the sounds) of the air show that kicks off the spring season in our neck of the woods.  If you plan on attending the show, please remember tovisit with our sponsors and thank them helping us pay the bills.  And while you're at, keep your eyes peeled for AVweb staffers.  We're hoping to meet lots of you at the show and hear what you have to say about us.

If you're not attending the show, don't forget toupload your photos for our next "POTW" contest!  Your entries will be safe and sound on our server until we return from the show and resume the "POTW" festivities on April 12.  With two weeks' worth of submissions to choose from, we hope to have a spectacular week.

Speaking of which, this week's selections aren't half bad, either!  Trey Carroll of Knightstown, Indiana takes the top honor this week, with a photo of the spectacular WWII-era Corsair soaring across the skies of the 21st Century.  As usual, we'll be sending Trey an official AVweb baseball hat to commemorate his top-notch photo.


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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

"The Bent-Wing Bird"

Trey Carroll of Knightstown, Indiana kicks off this week's edition of "POTW" with a shot of pilot Dan McCue doing something we'd probably all enjoy - giving theCollings Foundation's F4U-5NL Corsair a good shakedown at Geneseo last year.

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

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Used with permission of Trey Carroll

AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up.  Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

"Afghan Apache"

We've been swamped with rotorcraft pics in the last couple weeks.  Not that we're complaining - someone obviously knows how much we like helicopter photos here at AVweb.  And if they're all as impressive as this shot from Peter Schultz, keep 'em coming!  Peter very nearly took this week's top spot, but - well, to be honest, you just can't pretend you're Robert Conrad when you're flying an Apache.

Stay safe, Peter - and thanks for the photo.

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz

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Used with permission of Peter Schultz


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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

"Summer Fun"

Summer is just around the corner here in the Northern Hemisphere.  And lest we forget, Greg Freeman of Silver Lake, New Hampshire reminds us that things are warming up even on the brisk coastline of northern New Hampshire.

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman

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Used with permission of Greg Freeman


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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

"Preflight Fuel Check"

Tony Kuhlman of Grand Ledge, Michigan recently paid a visit to Abrams Municipal Airport to shoot some promotional photos for EAA Chapter 1060.  While there, he couldn't resist snapping a few photos of two Joe Mendyks (Sr. and Jr.) doing their preflight checks.  According to Tony, "Joe Jr. clearly has flown with dad many times before.  Under dad's close supervision, he helped with several tasks in the preflight check." 

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman

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Used with permission of Tony Kuhlman


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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

"Citabria Sunset"

Flying us out this week is Steve Link of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  Steve's in the cockpit of his 1966 7GCA in this photo taken by friend Mark Parsons last summer.

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

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Used with permission of Steve Link

To enter next week's contest, click here.

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.