Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Your AirVenture photos continue to dominate the “POTW” submission box! This one, from John E. Rees of Blacklick, Ohio, is our latest baseball cap winner (and, incidentally, our current desktop wallpaper).

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

AeroShell Team at AirVenture Oshkosh 2010

Your AirVenture photos continue to dominate the "POTW" submission box!

This one, from John E. Rees of Blacklick, Ohio, is our latest baseball cap winner - and, incidentally, our current desktop wallpaper.

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

Good Morning!

Jack Fleetwood of Round Rock, Texas submitted several eye-popping photos this week, but this simple shot of a barn-cum-hangar set our imaginations humming.

We'll sneak our second favorite of Jack's shots into the slideshow on AVweb's home page. Be sure to check for it.

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

Smoke Cloud

It's back to AirVenture for another visit with the AeroShell Aerobatic Team - from a slightly different angle.

Lafayette, Colorado's John Flavin writes:

Saturday night at AirVenture, the AeroShell team took off into the dusk for a night show on full smoke, perhaps not realizing the crosswind that blew an immense cloud of smoke over the entire crowd. The setting sunlight mixing with the oily cloud created a uniqued enhanced twilight on the field.

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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Used with permission of John Flavin

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

Plane Camping

On a flight back to Pollock Pines, California from Washington state, Ney Grant stopped for the night in Chiloguin, Oregon. "I had dinner across the street at Melitas Cafe," writes Ney, "then put my tent up for the night under the wing."

That warm red glow in the northwestern night? Ney settling in by the light of his pilot's flashlight.

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

Lindbergh at Sunset

The only thing we love more than a good airplane photo from Oshkosh is one with a story behind it.

Enter Caity Happ of Sandy, Utah:

I took this shot at Oshkosh Airventure 2010. We were walking around the grounds after a long day at the show and stopped to admire the planes on AeroShell Square. I loved the way this plane caught the sunset light on its wings. Later on in the week, my sister ran the traditional runway 5K. As she was heading back on the long treck to the showers, a nice man offered her a ride on his golf cart. After trading stories of how their run went and how they were both pilots, she discovered he was the pilot of this beautiful plane I captured at sunset.

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

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Used with permission of Caity Happ

Want more? You'll find a dozen or so bonus pictures in the "POTW" slideshow on AVweb's home page. They don't appear anywhere else, and they'll disappear beneath the waves of time when we update the slideshow next week, so don't miss 'em.


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.