Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
Our latest winning photo comes from Philip Conn of Robins, IA. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

Not Everything That Flies Has Metal Wings, But All Need Clear Lenses
Photo was shot in our corporate hangar using a Cannon Powershot SD870 IS 8-megapixel camera. No digital manipulation of this photo.

Another Day, Another Chance to Fly
Greeting the morning sky at the W.K. Kellogg airport in Battle Creek, Michigan.

Warm Snowbird
Tora! Tora! Tora! flight demo team warms up a Snowbird during their Pearl Harbor raid demonstration. Taken at the Fort Worth Alliance Air Show by my sister Tracie Lyons in October 2012.
Canon EOS 5D Mark III.

ATR on Take-Off
Taken on a Kodak EasyShare C513 at Wanaka Airport, South Island, New Zealand, circa 2008.

1929 Fleet Biplane
Returning to the Clarence Aerodrome in Clarence, New York. The aircraft is owned by the Niagara Frontier Vintage Aircraft Group based in the former Bell Aircraft plant in Niagara Falls.
Shot with Sony DSC-S85. No manipulations.

Flower Hunter
Location is 29:40.13S 116:51.09E and is near Ninghan Station in Western Australia.
This image has been slightly cropped only. No other digital manipulations at all. Canon 60D with EFS18-200 1/320 at F9 focal length 90mm.

Trike Over Maine Coast
This is a photo I took flying over Moody Beach in Wells, Maine.

SNJ-4 at a Fly-In at 54J
Taken just before he stomped the toe break and swung the tail into his parking spot.
Taken with a Cannon T3i. Color-corrected and cropped.

Endeavour's Final Flight - Over Palmdale
The space shuttle Endeavour, on the back of NASA's shuttle carrie aircraft and flanked by an F-18 escort, makes a low pass at Palmdale's Plant 42, where all the shuttles were assembled.
This photo was taken on September 21 with a Canon T2i and 100-400mm lens from an altitude of 8,500' (about 5,000' overhead). Cropped, level adjustments, and reduced for file size.

Silver Bullet Passed By
I took this picture on Saturday, April 21, 2012 in Mojave Airport during their "open house" event. I was taking a picture of the airplane I was piloting when the airplane with the open canopy taxied by. Note the image of the Boeing in the background through the open canopy.
The camera I used is my old Sony DSC-H9. The picture is only reduced in size to meet the size limitation requirement, and it is unaltered otherwise.