Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Time to push the door closed, grab a fresh cup of coffee, and take five with AVweb‘s “Picture of the Week.” Ney Grant of Pollock Pines, California included a link to his blog, promising that we could see the wing mount for his camera there. Silly us, we clicked through and goofed off for an hour researched our readers’ typical hobbies for a while. Check it out yourself. If you get the same voyeuristic kick from peeking inside others’ cabins that we do, you’ll enjoy it. (By the way, it’s eerily related to something that’s been on our mind lately.)

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


Time to push the door closed, grab a fresh cup of coffee, and take five with AVweb's "Picture of the Week." Once again, our readers have served up a delightful assortment of photographs, so let's dive in.

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

Mt. Shasta Fly-By

The small version doesn't do this shot from Ney Grant of Pollock Pines, California justice. (Large version here.)

Ney also included a link to his blog, promising that we could see the wing mount for his camera there. Silly us, we clicked through and goofed off for an hour researched our readers' typical hobbies for a while. Check it out yourself. If you get the same voyeuristic kick from peeking inside others' cabins that we do, you'll enjoy it.

By the way, it's eerily related to something that's been on our mind lately.

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Ney Grant
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

Into the Setting Sun

We were going to tell you how many "POTW" submissions from that magnificently generous soul Gary Dikkers (of Madison, Wisconsin) are currently in service as desktop wallpaper here - but then we realized there are a lot more wallpapers in rotation on the "POTW" monitor than we thought. (So many that we can't quite remember where they all came from, to be honest.)

Seriously: Take the hint, go to the large version, and make this one your wallpaper.

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

Flying Piece of History - The B-17 "Aluminum Overcast"

We get more photos of Aluminum Overcast than any other single airplane here at "POTW" - and yet we never get tired of seeing her. James I. Coleman of Middleton, Idaho made this photo a special occasion, though. After we peeked at his comments on the photo, we learned that his dad (now 92) served as a B-17 tail gunner in the 427th Squadron (303rd Bomb Group) - and that reminded us Father's Day is just around the corner ... .

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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Used with permission of James I. Coleman

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

Into the Wild Blue Yonder

Dennis Bleazard of Sandy, UT makes one last fly-by on his departure from a Utah Back-Country Flying adventure in the desert west of Delta, Utah.

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Bleazard
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

Crack of Dawn

"The benefit of an early morning flight is the awesome sunrises," says Suzy Kryzanowicz of Bay City, Michigan all morning.

She's right, y'know.

See you next week!

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

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Used with permission of Suzy Kryzanowicz

You'll find more reader-submitted photos in the slideshow on AVweb's home page. Don't miss 'em!


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.