Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

It’s not often enough that “POTW” contributors end up in front of the camera, but Canoga Park, California’s Mujahid Abdulrahim handed the shooting duties over to Connie Saucedo for this photo that would make a few Macy’s Parade entrants green with envy. Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the U.S. (And a happy Thursday to the rest of our readership.) One thing we’re perpetually thankful for around the AVweb offices are our readers – and at no time do we appreciate you guys more than when we hunker down and sort through each week’s batch of reader-submitted photos.

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the U.S. (And a happy Thursday to the rest of our readership.) One thing we're perpetually thankful for around the AVweb offices are our readers - and at no time do we appreciate you guys more than when we hunker down and sort through each week's batch of reader-submitted photos.

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

VNY ATC Tower Costume

It's not often enough that "POTW" contributors end up in front of the camera, but Canoga Park, California's Mujahid Abdulrahim handed the shooting duties over to Connie Saucedo for this photo that would make a few Macy's Parade entrants green with envy. Mujahid's comments have the whole smile-inducing story:

When a southern California aerospace company hosts a halloween costume contest, there can only be one right answer. Rather than dressing up as a ninja, pirate, or viking, I built a mostly-scale costume of the Van Nuys air traffic control tower - in honor of the controllers (and their building) that help me fly into and out of my home airport. The rotating beacon on top of the tower uses a Gaussian function to flash bright white and green LEDs to simulate the rotation. I built a small light gun to flash the six color combinations, and two speakers on the side play radio traffic from one of my weekend flights, courtesy of LiveATC.net. The purpose of ATC towers is, of course, to control air traffic, so I installed an R/C transmitter inside the costume and flew a small electric helicopter around the party. Granted, it is a bit unconventional for a tower to follow a helicopter around.

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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copyright Connie Saucedo
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

Cooling Down on the High Plains

Larry Durner of Simla, Colorado couldn't pass up a great background to shoot this Stearman. As he put it, "The neutral colors of the background make the colorful Stearman look almost three-dimensional." And he's right. (Though he forgot to mention that this photo makes a great desktop wallpaper.)

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Larry Durner

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

Coming Out Party

Another child who's finally outgrown the garage and ready to leave the nest! Tim Lewis of Bristow, Virginia says it's "time to move the RV-10 to the airport for final assembly."

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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Used with permission of Tim Lewis

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

After the Storm

Jack Fleetwood of Round Rock, Texas may have had to wait out the weather, but at least he got a great photo out of the deal.

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Jack Fleetwood
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

Shuttle "Atlantis" on Its 30th NASA Mission

Christopher Ebdon of Pasadena, Texas sees us off this week with a shot that never gets old - Space Shuttle OV-104 Atlantis taking off for it's 30th mission. Christopher got the shot from the Banana Creek Lauch Viewing Area 3 1/2 miles away.

See? We told you it never gets old!

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

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copyright Christopher Ebdon / Av8pix
Used with permission

There are more reader-submitted photos in the slideshow on AVweb's home page - and trust us, you don't want to miss this week's batch. (There are quite a few we'd like to have included here.)


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.