Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Prolific “POTW” submitter Gary Dikkers of Madison, Wisconsin has been bucking for a new AVweb cap for a while, and this timeless photo of some Mustangs parked in the warbird section at EAA AirVenture has earned it for him. We found a great batch of photos waiting for us after the AOPA Summit, quite a few of them showcasing military aircraft, personnel, and classic warbirds in honor of Veterans Day. By the time you see this, the day that commemorates the end of the Great War will have passed into history for another year – but we hope you’ll indulge us a little longer as we salute the men and women of aviation who serve their countries in a special veteran-themed edition of “POTW.”

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


We found a great batch of photos waiting for us after the AOPA Summit, quite a few of them showcasing military aircraft, personnel, and classic warbirds in honor of Veterans Day. By the time you see this, the day that commemorates the end of the Great War will have passed into history for another year - but we hope you'll indulge us a little longer as we salute the men and women of aviation who serve their countries in a special veteran-themed edition of "POTW."

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

"The Ponies Put Away for the Night"

Prolific "POTW" submitter Gary Dikkers of Madison, Wisconsin has been bucking for a new AVweb cap for a while, and this timeless photo of some Mustangs parked in the warbird section at EAA AirVenture has earned it for him.

(Hey, Gary - if you've got any more shots of this bird, feel free to share. We can't quite figure out what the paint job looks like from this angle.)

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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copyright Gary Dikkers
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

Old and New, Real and Virtual

While it isn't veteran-themed per se, we absolutely loved this photo from Paul Oor of Nieuwegein, Utrecht (Netherlands) and his comment that there's "no environment for flightsimmers like under the wing of a vintage DC-3!"

Paul's photo comes from the Netherlands' annual flight simulator convention at the Aviodrome. And before you ask: Yes, we've already added it to the list of supercool places we never knew we wanted to visit!

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Paul Oor

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

F-18 Leaving USS "Ronald Reagan"

Mark Beduhn of Menasha, Wisconsin was one of the earliest submitters to hit on the military theme this week, sending us this photo he snapped from the deck while watching jets take off. "This trip gave us an appreciation for the sacrifice sailors are making for our country," writes Mark.

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Mark Beduhn

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

Air National Guard F-16 Departing Des Moines in the Fading Sunset

We're tempted to waste some time on a lame pun tying the name of this photographer - Andrew Wall of Ankeny, Iowa - to the fact that this shot immediately became our desktop wallpaper for the day.

But we won't.

(Mostly because we couldn't think up a clever way to do it.)

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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Used with permission of Andrew Wall

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

Night Vision

Speaking of workhorse submitters, the ever-delightful Daniel Valovich of Hot Springs, Arkansas came through this week with an awesome composite that we just had to sneak in.

We'd planned to use this as our sign-off piece for the week, but - well, our counting just ain't what it used to be, and we wound up with six finalists this week. So what the heck - we haven't done this in a while (and probably won't be able to make a habit of it), but let's look at one more photo before we send you off to check out this week's slideshow, eh?

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

First Things First ...

Steve Kessinger of Bellingham, Washington has been in the market for an airplane lately, and when he finally secured a hangar for his dream-to-be, he decided to celebrate by sending us a photo of the - er, "placeholder" aircraft that's currently filling the space.

(Steve tells us he's on the waiting list for a Progressive Aerodyne SeaRey and currently counting down the weeks until delivery. Assuming there's an internet connection out there at the hangar, Steve, we know this really cool web site where you can catch up on the last 15 years of aviation news and reviews ... .)

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

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copyright Steve Kessinger
Used with permission

You mean you got to see a bonus pic this week and you're still not satisifed? Yeah, we know how your brain works - and that you can smell the smug satisfaction of a "POTW" editor who knows there's a stellar batch of leftovers this week. So go ahead and indulge. Hit up the slideshow on AVweb's home page for more than a dozen extra photos and join us in feeling a pang of regret that we couldn't cram more into today's edition of "POTW."

(Seriously, this week's bonus photos are outstanding.)


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.