Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Submissions dropped off just a bit in this week (perhaps in the wake of our oddball Sun ‘n Fun schedule), but thankfully the quality of reader photos is as high as ever – which you can see from this week’s top photo, from Rene Benzonana of Grand-Lancy, Geneva (Switzerland). We realize we say this a lot, but it bears repeating: You really are missing some terrific photos if you don’t visit AVweb‘s home page and check out all the bonus photos that don’t fit here. (And for those who may not have realized it: You can see large-size versions of all the pics in the slideshow by clicking on them.)

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


Submissions dropped off just a bit in this week (perhaps in the wake of our oddball Sun 'n Fun schedule), but thankfully the quality of reader photos is as high as ever. We realize we say this a lot, but it bears repeating: You really are missing some terrific photos if you don't visit AVweb's home page and check out all the bonus photos that don't fit here. (And for those who may not have realized it: You can see large-size versions of all the pics in the slideshow by clicking on them.)

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

Air and Water Festival

Rene Benzonana of Grand-Lancy, Geneva (Switzerland) must surely be related to frequent "POTW" contributor Gilbert Benzonana - and even though he didn't mention it in the comments for this photo, we'll be tucking an extra hat into this week's shipment for Gilbert, who's come oh-so-close to being in the top spot too many times to taunt him by sending a hat to the same address without including an extra!

("Taken during the 'Bol d'or' race on the Lake of Geneva," Rene tells us.)

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Rene Benzonana
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

Yak 18T at Sunset

The RA-Aus fly-in at Narromine, NSW had been a great event, but Phil Gower of Toowoomba, Queensland (Australia) was ready to leave after bad weather delayed departures for a day or two. "Finally, on the Tuesday afternoon after Easter, a westerly came up and blew it all away to the east," writes Phil, leaving his Yak "pointed to a getaway on Wednesday morning."

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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copyright Phillip Gower
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

Sunrise Supercub

What better way to follow a sunset than with a sunrise? Rusty Eichorn of Grand Rapids, Minnesota delivers quite ably, serving up this shot of his '76 Supercub sitting patiently while the morning fog clears.

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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Used with permission of Rusty Eichorn

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

Wassercapi Memorial to Fallen Airmen

We weren't familiar with this monument before this photo from Dennis Karoleski of Portsmouth, New Hampshire showed up in our submission box - but what a tribute. This shot was taken on "a cold, windy December day on the Wassercapi," Dennis tells us.

We got quite a bit of mail about this photo of the "Wassercapi Memorial to Fallen Airmen." We weren't familiar with the monument, but (like many of you) we were immediately captivated by its design and stark surroundings. AVweb reader (and frequent "POTW" contributor) Gary Dikkers was the first to put us on the trail of more information, telling us that "Wassercapi" is a variant spelling and the mountain plateau to which it refers is more commonly spelled "Wasserkupe." Armed with Gary's info (and Wikipedia link), we were able to find quite a few German-language pages about the memorial, also known as the Fliegerdenkmal at Wasserkupe. For those who want to know more, here's the German Wikipedia page (and Google's English translation). And, courtesy of Gary again, a photo of the memorial's dedication in 1923.

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Dennis Karoleski
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission


Daniel Valovich of Hot Springs, Arkansas flies us home this week with a wildlife photo that could almost be mistaken for a painting - a "great blue heron landing on foggy Lake DeGray, Arkansas."

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

You'll find more reader-submitted photos in the slideshow on AVweb's home page, many of which we really do wish we could've run here. It's a great crop this week, so please - go look!


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.