Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
Our latest winning photo comes from Jeremy Hough of Monterey, CA. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

The Bumpy Barn
At the end of a bumpy road lies this great old barn.
Nikon D40X, ISO 110, f/10, 1/250. Clean-up in Adobe Lightroom.

Cleaning It Up
Aerial advertising with microlights? No problem in Germany. Picture taken after towing a "Welcome" banner at "Tannkosh" (a micro version of AirVenture) with some sort of a Canon (forgot which type). Not touched up.

Cold Weather STC
Is your old bird cold and tired? Well, here is our Yukon STC solution for all your cold weather operations!

F1 (Harmon) Rocket Pulling G at Santa Rosa Air Show 2011
Canon Rebel XTi; no changes.

Star Duster Too
The beautiful Star Duster Too just waiting to go for a flight.
Right out of the camera.

Light Painting
Light Painting done at EAA Convention in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 2012.
Canon 7D. Long exposure.

Show Me Your colors
The Commemorative Air Force's P-51 Gunfighter reflects the colors at a CAF Heart of America Wing event.

Hurricane Formerly Known as Isaac Over KOSH
In Oshkosh for work and staying at the Hilton on the airport and saw what was left of Hurricane Isaac creating a beautiful sunset.
No alteration and shot from my phone's camera.

Daddy's co-pilot carving a turn just west of the Banc d'Aguin, at the entrance of Arcachon Bay, France.

Sunset at 16,000 Feet in 690D (Model 900) Twin Commander
Shot near Orlando, Florida, with Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5 camera - a great compact camera to carry around for grab shots. Commander is equipped with Dash 10T engines for 300 KTAS and Garmin G600 and GTN750/650 panel - a pilot's airplane!

Tigers Lining Up!
The Swiss Air Force Demonstration Team Patrouille Suisse (or at least part of it) in training on August 24, 2012 over Birrfeld (LSZF).
The picture has not been manipulated; they are really that good! There is no structure in the sky because I have set +2 increments to the automatic apperture.

Sunrise at Indy Air Show
Stinson L-5 Sentinel at sunrise on the ramp at Mt. Comfort, Indiana.
Shot with Canon 5D Mk II and 28-300mm L-series lens.

Sentimental Journey
B-17 Sentimental Journey at Medicine Hat, Alberta (CYXH) on August 28, 2012.
Resized with Paint. Camera: Sony DSC-H10.

West Virginia Landing
Landing at WV22 (Green Landings Airport) in Hedgesville, West Virginia. First landing with brand-new paint from Russell Aircraft Refinishing in Greedwood, Delaware.