Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

We’re not sure what brought on the flood of vintage photos our readers have been submitting (maybe it was some begging we forgot that we did?), but we’re certainly enjoying them! Jeremy James of Banbury, Oxon (UK) brightened our day with this photo of his mother, Mrs. V. James, doing her part during World War II. According to Jeremy, she “drove a tea truck supplying RAF air fields near London during the Battle of Britain in 1940. Here she is on the wing of a Spitfire, with pilots in between sorties at Biggin Hill. And yes,” writes Jeremy, “she is still with us at 95.” A tip of the hat and a long-deserved “good show” to Mrs. J.!

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


Has it really been a week since we last dipped into the submission box and shared our favorite reader-submitted photos? Apparently it has - and once again, AVweb readers have risen to the challenge submitting 70 breath-taking pics in the last few days. We can't run 'em all, but we've got the top five here, and we'll load up as many extras as we can in the home page slideshow. Be sure to head over there when you're done here.

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

Biggin Hill, UK, Summer of 1940 - Battle of Britain (Tea Time)

We're not sure what brought on the flood of vintage photos our readers have been submitting (maybe it was some begging we forgot that we did?), but we're certainly enjoying them!

Jeremy James of Banbury, Oxon (UK) brightened our day with this photo of his mother, Mrs. V. James, doing her part during World War II. According to Jeremy, she "drove a tea truck supplying RAF air fields near London during the Battle of Britain in 1940. Here she is on the wing of a Spitfire, with pilots in between sorties at Biggin Hill."

"And yes," writes Jeremy, "she is still with us at 95." A tip of the hat and a long-deserved "good show" to Mrs. J.!

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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copyright Mrs. V. James
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

Departing in Twilight

Ah, Terry Dickinson of Big Lake, Alaska - how we longed to feature this frozen moment as our "POTW" - but the competition was just too darned stiff this week. If it's any consolation, we can't wait to see more of your photos. (Yes, we really are that shameless.)

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Terry Dickinson

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

Fresh Paint

Kirk Groves of Paradise, Pennsylvania snapped this photo "just out of the paint shop" and points out the colors, which are intended "to honor the 352nd FG." Lookin' sharp!

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Kirk Groves

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

Water Skiing at Sunset

"Flying in its most basic form," according to Daniel Barber of Alexandria, Minnesota. It may have been a simple outing and a simple photo, but we think everyone will agree that the thrill is spectacular.

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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Used with permission of Daniel Barber

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

Dawn Pass in a Cessna 195

It bears noting that Thomas Auerbach of Ponca City, Oklahoma has done more than any other single "POTW" contributor to encourage us to get up early and have a steaming plate of flapjacks. Once again, Mr. Auerbach serves up a delightful treat, this time featuring pilot Jim Bowen arriving for the monthly breakfast fly-in in his 1947 Cessna 195.

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

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copyright Thomas Auerbach
Used with permission

Don't forget: There are more reader-submitted photos in the slideshow on AVweb's home page. Go have a look.


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.