Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Michael Senese of San Francisco, California claims this week’s top honor with a photo of two of our favorite nighttime sights – the moon and a GA night flyer. The cold snap affecting much of North America is keeping many AVweb readers indoors, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Judging by the uptick in submissions to our “POTW” contest this week, you’re finding worthwhile ways to keep yourself occupied indoors. So keep sorting those photos – and keep sending them our way!

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


The cold snap affecting much of North America is keeping many AVweb readers indoors, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Judging by the uptick in submissions to our "POTW" contest this week, you're finding worthwhile ways to keep yourself occupied indoors. So keep sorting those photos - and keep sending them our way!

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

Full Moon Fly-By, January 10

Michael Senese of San Francisco, California claims this week's top honor with a photo of two of our favorite nighttime sights - the moon and a GA night flyer.

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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copyright Michael Senese
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

Another Bad Day in Paradise

Greg Soaper of Fullerton, California returns, with a photo shot at "Park Moabi Marina on the Colorado River."

Yeah, Greg - it's a rough life, all right.

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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Used with permission of Greg Soaper

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

Everything But the Train

"The photo says it all," writes Eric Cobb of Santa Ynez, California - and he's right.

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

B-17 in Heavy Icing

Terry Klein of Averill Park, New York warns, "You should never give an engineer a welder and a bunch of steel." (Oh, you don't need to tell us that, Terry!) "Here's what our B-17 windmill looked like after the recent ice storm," he continues. "No power for four days; lots of time to take pictures."

(Note that we skipped the customary NTSB/deicing recommendations

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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Used with permission of Terry Klein

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

Spruce Creek RVs Over Arthur Dunn Air Park

Susan J. Sherrill of Titusville, Florida sees us off with a great formation shot from EAA Chapter 866's pancake breakfast. Nice scenery to start the day!

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

Oops! Last week we had a problem with the photo slideshow on AVweb's home page, but this week everything should be running smoothly. Be sure to check out lots of great photos we just couldn't squeeze into the regular installment of "POTW"!


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.