Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

The arrival of this student pilot and his instructor (photographed by Victor Pallotto of Passaic, New Jersey) signals the beginning of our weekly photo survey! Grab your specs, and let’s spend a little time gawking, shall we?

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


As winter weather sweeps across North America, let's throw another log on the fire, hunker down on the sofa, and kick back with the laptop to enjoy a few reader-submitted photos. AVweb readers kicked off the new year in style, sending us nearly 100 unique photos. As usual, we'll showcase the top five here and load up our home page slideshow with 20 or so bonus pics to keep your eyes happy until next Thursday.

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

Short Final

The arrival of this student pilot and his instructor (photographed by Victor Pallotto of Passaic, New Jersey) signals the beginning of our weekly photo survey! Grab your specs, and let's spend a little time gawking, shall we?

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Victor Pallotto
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

A Curious Brown Bear

Ricky Sueltenfuss of Homer, Alaska tells us Katmai National Park "hosts the largest population of brown bears in the world," and he shared a few pics this week to prove it. "Naturalist guides and pilots land on the beautiful but rough beaches and soak in the majestic landscape of glaciers, volcanos, and abundant bears eating grass and chasing fish." (Like the combination of grizzlies and Pipers? You'll find another of Ricky's photos in the home page slideshow this week.)

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Ricky Sueltenfuss
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

Strike Two

Now there's a sight that can only be seen from above! Eric Cobb of Santa Ynez, California snapped it on a fly-over of New Mexico "west of Gallup" and shares it with the rest of us who didn't get to fly this week.

O.K., we surrender! The copy above is a little vague, and we should have said that Eric snapped his incredible photo of Arizona's Meteor Crater flying west from Gallup, New Mexico - not that he was flying over New Mexico when he took the shot. Thanks to Larry, Vince, Anne, Dick, and Dave for telling us the name of that crater is actually Meteor Crater and reminding us that it's a good 100 miles west of Gallup. (Eric, if anyone offers to send you a new GPS, just go with it, O.K.?)

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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copyright Eric Cobb
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

1929 Waco Rebuilding Project - First Start

This photo from Jerry Cochran of Sherwood, Oregon marks "the first start of a 1929 Waco being rebuilt by Rich Melhoff of Newberg, Oregon." Let's hope the rest of the build goes as smoothly!

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Jerry Cochran

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

The Super Ryan

Ben Lindner of Shawnee, Kansas bids us adieu with "the one-of-a-kind Super Ryan, on the All-Kansas Air Tour in April 2008."

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

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Used with permission of Ben Lindner

Remember: There's a great crop of bonus photos to be seen in the slideshow on AVweb's home page!


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.