Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Bob Rybak of Saunderstown, Rhode Island kicks off the summertime fun with an air show photo from the Rhode Island National Guard’s recent affair. As this week’s top photo contributor, Bob will get an official AVweb baseball cap to shade his eyes during the next weekend air show he gets out to visit. Submissions remain high this week as we sit between the long weekends of Canada Day and U.S. Independence Day. That means we get a three-day weekend, an excuse to eat way more barbecue than anyone should, and plenty of great airplane pictures to show off on our PDA while we wander around outdoors looking for the mustard. And better still, AirVenture is only weeks away! But don’t worry – you can enjoy the same great photos as us while sitting in front of your computer, even if work prevents you from taking a day off (or good sense prevents you from gorging yourself).

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings.  The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week."  Want to see your photo on AVweb.com?  Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


Submissions remain high this week as we sit between the long weekends of Canada Day and U.S. Independence Day. That means we get a three-day weekend, an excuse to eat way more barbecue than anyone should, and plenty of great airplane pictures to show off on our PDA while we wander around outdoors looking for the mustard. And better still, AirVenture is only weeks away! But don't worry - you can enjoy the same great photos as us while sitting in front of your computer, even if work prevents you from taking a day off (or good sense prevents you from gorging yourself).

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

F-15 Fly-By

Bob Rybak of Saunderstown, Rhode Island kicks off the summertime fun with an air show photo from the Rhode Island National Guard's recent affair. As this week's top photo contributor, Bob will get an official AVweb baseball cap to shade his eyes during the next weekend air show he gets out to visit.

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission

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copyright Bob Rybak
Used with permission


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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

Needing a Tow

Here's something you don't see every day - at least not in our line of work. Darrell Rayfield of Roanoke, Virginia tells us the Virginia State Police helicopter seen here broke down on the rooftop helipad of Carilion Roanoke Memorial and had to be towed to the hangar for repair by this Black Hawk.

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield

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Used with permission of Darrell Rayfield


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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

Doug Wildhagen Beats Up the Sky in His Magni Gyroplane

While we're stuffing our faces and staring up at the sky this weekend, John English of Lawrence, Kansas will likely be up there playing passenger and snapping photos, as he did recently with Doug Wildhagen.

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English

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Used with permission of John English


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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission


We fell in love with this image from Owen Peterson of Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) while playing around with our monitor in "POTW" headquarters today. If you happen to have one of those portrait-style monitor layouts (or if you're just messing around with turning your widescreen on its ear, as we did), this looks fantastic as a desktop wallaper.

(Or, you know, you can just enjoy it without tipping your monitor on its side.)

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission

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copyright Owen Peterson/
Sander Geophysics Ltd.

Used with permission


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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

Hot Air Balloon Reveille

Timothy O'Connor of Batavia, Ohio sees us off with a serene moment from his first-anniversary balloon ride. "Our squadron (gaggle?) ... land[ed] at Caesar Creek Glider Port where a Boy Scout troop was camping," writes Tim. "We woke them up with the sound of the burners and balloons."

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor


Spend a Few More Minutes with Us Before You Wander Off ...
There are more reader-submitted photos in the "POTW" slideshow on AVweb's home page, including a couple of Independence Day-themed shots you won't want to miss!


A quick note for submitters:  If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week!  That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too.  ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.