Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Our fingers and toes are feeling the winter chill, but a torrent of new photos from readers around the globe warmed our heart this week. Before we dive in, special thanks to everyone who took time to type out detailed descriptions of their photos. We only have time to run a few of them here each week, and we realize that it must seem like you’re typing into a vacuum sometimes when you’re submitting those forms. Believe us, we read all your comments, and if we came anywhere close to having the time, we’d try to respond to them. That said, we do appreciate all you have to say. (And we learned a PhotoShop trick or two!) Rob Neil of Amberley, New Zealand gets things off this ground with this awesome helicopter pic. As the editor of Pacific Wings magazine, Rob is no stranger to photos of aircraft – and if he’s anything like the editors of our sister magazines, he’ll appreciate someone sending him hat in the mail. (‘Cause he probably doesn’t have time to run to the mall, folks!)

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


Our fingers and toes are feeling the winter chill, but atorrent of new photos from readers around the globe warmed our heartthis week. Before we dive in, special thanks to everyone who tooktime to type out detailed descriptions of their photos. We onlyhave time to run a few of them here each week, and we realize that itmust seem like you're typing into a vacuum sometimes when you'resubmitting those forms. Believe us, we read all your comments, andif we came anywhere close to having the time, we'd try to respond tothem. That said, we do appreciate all you have to say. (Andwe learned a PhotoShop trick or two!)

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

Mountain Landing

Rob Neil of Amberley, New Zealandgets things off this ground with this awesome helicopter pic. Asthe editor ofPacific Wings magazine, Rob is no stranger to photos ofaircraft - and if he's anything liketheeditorsofoursistermagazines,he'll appreciate someone sending him hat in the mail. ('Cause heprobably doesn't have time to run to the mall, folks!)

Rob assures us, "No alterations [were] made other than exposure."

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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copyright Rob Neil
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson


Greg Wilson of Lithia, Florida setus up with enough desktop wallpapers to get us through the weekend (wetend to change 'em a lot!), but it was this shot that demanded to be runin "POTW." There's a lot to like here, but our favorite part wasthe title, which would work just as well if it had been spelled Flair!

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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Used with permission of Greg Wilson

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

You Missed a Spot

Sometimes it's really a case of "right place, right time."Charlie Owen of Havana, Kansas gotthis shot "from seat 22A at Ted Stevens International Airport."

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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copyright Charles P. Owen
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

Restored 1939 J3C - Future Pilots Included

Just to punctuate the point that we pay attention to your suggestedcaptions and photo comments, this photo CharlieRobinton of Manchester, New Hampshire was in the running fromthe time we opened up our submission box today - but the "future pilots"bit cinched it.

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Charlie Robinton

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

When They Say "8 Hours Bottle to Throttle," They Mean It!

Honestly, we didn't plan this week's column as a "beat you over the head with it" object lesson on how clever some readers can be - but again, it was the comments from Batavia, Ohio's Timothy O'Connor that compelled us to place these R.C. flyers on the Top Five list today.

Mr. O'Connor "got escorted down by a police chopper at a pilots' meeting last week." There's no NTSB report yet, but he's already "gotten [his] batteries taken away," according to some reports.

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

Want more reader-submitted photos?
You'll find bonus images in the "POTW" slideshow on our home page. Go!

And don't forget tosend us your ownphotos!


A quick note for submitters: If you've got severalphotos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submitthem one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeingprint on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier onus, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider thesource of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest.If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeedauthorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain,consult thePOTWRules ororsend us an e-mail.