Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

While many of us were fighting the crowds on Friday morning trying to find that perfect bargain on a widescreen TV or iPod, quite a few AVweb readers opted to stay home and submit a few photos to our “Picture of the Week” contest. Most of you, in fact, did your submitting on Friday instead of scattering it out over the whole seven days. That’s O.K. with us, though – especially considering the great pics we found waiting in the submission box once we’d finished digesting our Thanksgiving turkey. Brian Kilby of Newnan, Georgia kicks off the festivities this week with a photo he took during the Great Georgia Air Show a few weeks ago. (That’s the incredible AeroShell Aerobatic Team overhead.) As Brian probably knows (but new readers may not), we’ll be sending him a keen AVweb cap in the mail for submitting this week’s top photo. Wear it with pride, Brian – but remember to hold it over your heart when they play the national anthem.

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


While many of us were fighting the crowds on Fridaymorning trying to find that perfect bargain on a widescreen TV or iPod,quite a few AVweb readers opted to stay home and submit a fewphotos to our "Picture of the Week" contest. Most of you, in fact,did your submitting on Friday instead of scattering it out over thewhole seven days. That's O.K. with us, though - especiallyconsidering the great pics we found waiting in the submission box oncewe'd finished digesting our Thanksgiving turkey.

Before we dive in, we'd like to give a quick tip of thehat to one of last week's submitters, Paul Sisul, and apologize formisspelling his name. Sorry, Paul - Sisal just rolls offthe fingers a little too easily. (We've corrected the spellingerror in our archive so future generations of web surfers will know whoyou are.)

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby


Brian Kilby of Newnan, Georgia kicksoff the festivities this week with a photo he took during the GreatGeorgia Air Show a few weeks ago. (That's the incredible AeroShellAerobatic Team overhead.)

As Brian probably knows (but new readers may not), we'll be sending hima keen AVweb cap in the mail for submitting this week's topphoto. Wear it with pride, Brian - but remember to hold it overyour heart when they play the national anthem.

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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Used with permission of Brian Kilby

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

MIA Hunters

John Rippingerof Schaumburg, Illinois is semi-regular contributor to "POTW," but wehaven't heard from him lately. From his previous submissions, wefigure he must keep pretty busy - and this confirms it. Like a fewother regular contributors, he's been poking around the airways andhidden treasures of Papua New Guinea:

This is the wreck site of an A-20 Havoc bomber that impacted a mountain top at 4,000 feet. It's located about 50 miles north of the city of Lae in Papua New Guinea. It carried a full bomb load and was scattered over a quarter-mile area. MIA Hunters have forwarded all pertinent information to Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) for possible future recovery of MIA remains. This was the second of three expeditions to PNG to look for WWII MIA aircraft.

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright John Rippinger
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

The Front Office

We've seen versions of this photo before - and, frankly, we never tireof it - but rarely do we get to see it in flight.Michael J. Gallagher of Peoria, Illinois drives home thepoint that yes, AVweb readers get to do far cooler things on aweekly basis than AVweb copy writers do. :(

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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copyright Michael J. Gallagher
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

Helping Daddy

We'd have called this one Pull, Daddy, Pull! - or maybe WhyDon't We Wait Until It's a Little Warmer Out? butJerome LaForest of Highland,Michigan chose a far better title. It isn't about the towbar orthe frost on the ground, after all; it's about little Tiffanypicking the perfect moment to get interested in her dad's Skyhawk.

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Jerome LaForest

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

P-51 "Ain't Misbehavin'" at the End of the Day

To see us off this week, here's a photo we dropped on the floor of our cyber-office two weeks ago and accidently left out of the "POTW" column. Michael Brewer of Birmingham, Alabama had submitted a couple of photos of Ain't Misbehavin', and while we're happy we ran one of his others, this is the one we really dug. Hopefully you'll get as big a kick out of it as we did.

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer

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Used with permission of Michael Brewer


By the time you read this, there will be even more new photos tobe seen in the "POTW"slideshow on AVweb.com.Go check 'em out!

And don't forget tosend us yourphotos! (Where do you think we get all these pictures?)


A quick note for submitters: If you've got severalphotos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submitthem one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeingprint on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier onus, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider thesource of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest.If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeedauthorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain,consult thePOTWRules ororsend us an e-mail.