Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
Our latest winning photo comes from Andrew Jackson (Savanda Action Photography) of Williamsburg, VA. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

While waiting on pilot John Williams to return on my daughter's maiden ultralight flight, and envious she was stealing my flight time, I wandered around Jamestown Airport looking for friendlies to pose. This Vag is a beautiful bird, even at night.
Shot with Nikon D700, 70-200mm 2.8 ELNS using remote flash and PW triggers. No Photoshop except to add company logo watermark.

Dark Skies with a Hint of Promise
Photo taken with a cell phone camera of Karl Majerle's Cessna 180 at our ranch cabin at Fowler Field in Tonasket, Washington during a thunderstorm.

I'll Be Watching You!
I had a feeling this Thorp T-18 was watching me, so I watched it back. I took this in the Blue Sky Aviation hangar at KCVN on July 4, 2012.
Panasonic FZ18 Lumix in program mode. Reduce for file size.

Morning Monument Mission
Our Bonanza's wingtip over Monument Valley during an early morning flight west of the silhouetted buttes.
Nikon D70; no retouching.

"I Think He's Been Here Before ..."
Kent Pietsch in his Interstate Cadet at the Minot Air Show on Independence Day 2012.
Canon 7D. 300mm F8 1/500. Photoshop: Curves and unsharp mask.

A Hard Day's Work
Mosquito Control, Devils Lake, North Dakota. July 1, 2012.
Canon SX10; cropped to size.

Over the Numbers
Look close at the reflection on the spinner. Took this photo in Sterling, Colorado at the Rocky Mountain Aerobatic Club on July 15,2012.